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Candy cane pov:

As I tapped on her sholder I heard someone yelled to get away from her. I turned to look at them only to see a a girl a little older than sally. The girl had clown makup on along with light blue overalls over a white shirt.

Mikayla's pov:

I came home to see Mia, then I saw clown and jesters infront of her door. I yelled for the one about to touch her shoulder to stop, she did. She then looked at me along with the others. They asked who I was,the female jester lokked a my neck with concern. I knew she wanted to know what happen. "Hey, stop staring at my neck!" She then wisperd sorry. I said it back, "I shouldn't have yelled, but I don't like people staring at me."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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