A child?

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Candycanes pov:

"Shut up" I said in a joking tone to both my brother and LJ, "come on sis, don't be such a buzzkill" joked my brother. " just hurry" said Jill in an agitated tone. "Fine" Candypop, LJ and I huffed.

Time skip to a few minutes later~

"We're here" shouted an exited Jill, "why are we at at an old circus" asked LJ. "Just go in, please guys" begged Jill. So we entered the old arena. At first we didn't notice the smell, but after a minute or so we realized how it smelled of blood and death, I guess you could say. We stared at Jill in confusion the she said to turn on the lights, this confused us all, I mean how are the lights supposed to work after who know how many years. My looked for a light switch, after a minute he did find one and it did work.

After a while of exploring we found and old dressing room titled "Annie and Mia's room". The thing that stood out was that a soft cry was coming from inside of it, the cry sounded like a child around Sally's age. When we entered we seen a child cuddled to a stuffed animal, the child seemed to be a spirit, the childs looks only supported the idea that the child was about Sally's age.

We questioned what to do about it, but I decided to confront the kid. I slowly walked to her and tapped on her shoulder.....

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