#3 First Morning In The Mysterious Manor

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Next morning, I woke up feeling tired. Opening my eyes I looked about me to find the room brightly alighted by the sunlight sneaking in through the light blue curtains Wondering what time it was, I lifted my phone to check the time and was horrified at seeing it was almost noon because I was always an early riser. Wondering why I wasn't feeling fresh, I sat up in bed as the events of last night came rushing to me. Grandpa welcoming us, my uneasiness after our arrival and throughout the dinner and the intruder.

I jumped off the bed and walked towards my suitcase. Mental post-it: unpack my bags and set the clothes in the closet. I haven't had the time to do that yet. I picked my clothes for the day and proceeded to look at myself in the mirror. My eyes looked blood-shot. I picked up my hair brush and began untangling my hair as I thought about the person who sneaked in my room as if they were spying on me. They probably were. If it were my father or someone who wanted to see me, they'd have knocked and wouldn't have entered or left so silently. To be honest I was actually frightened by that and had gotten up to lock both the door and the windows. Any chances I had of falling asleep were shattered as I lay down again, wary of any noise. Unable to sleep, I was thinking over the events of day for the billionth time. At dinner, there was only me, dad, grandpa and Annie. I had been told that grandpa (mr.Jawad) had two children, but where was his other child, a son I'm presuming? And most intriguing of all, where was his wife? Nobody even mentioned her. Dad and grandpa had kept up an animated conversation as Annie and I kept to ourselves. From what I observed, Annie seems to be a quiet and shy person. Maybe she opens up to people when she knows them better? I'll talk to her today and find out, I thought.

Glancing at my watch on the white dresser (which was a very pretty piece of furniture, might I add) I decided to take a long, relaxing bath to clear my head of these disturbing thoughts. I was already too late for breakfast and a taking a few more minutes wouldn't hurt, I reasoned to myself as I walked towards the bathroom door.

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A few minutes later, I emerged from my room clad in a black pant and purple top with a matching scarf. Before leaving however I locked my room and securing the key in my pocket I moved towards the stairs. I grinned to myself as a mischievous idea popped into myself. Positioning myself on the banisters, both my legs on the inner sides of the stairs I grabbed it and...


My shirt had slipped under me and before I could balance myself I whizzed down on the handrail. I let out a little scream before I crash landed on my butt. My head was still spinning because of the small roller coaster ride I just had on the round staircase. Groaning I got up and looked around to see if someone had seen my little epically-failing stunt. finding no one in sight I sighed in relief, which was cut short as I spotted a figure escaping into a room. I felt embarrassment creeping up my cheeks as made my way into the kitchen, hoping to find something to eat. I stopped as a stout and rosy-cheeked woman walked out. she was the house-keeper as I was informed last night.

" Morning my dear. Did you sleep well?" I only nodded in affirmation (lying of course) as she continued, "You must be hungry. Come on in to the dining room, I've set breakfast for you and Annie." She told me with a gentle smile. I smiled back at her, I had already taken a liking to her as she seemed to me the only normal person in the house.

I entered the dining room and saw breakfast laid out on the table. I pulled out a chair as I heard someone enter the room. I looked up to see Annie entering the room, looking pretty and graceful as a lady. I smiled at her and she looked at me nervously, offering a small smile of her own. I was surprised at her attitude. why does she behave shyly and nervously in her own house when she's the host and she's also much older than me. I watched her as she took a seat near me. I gave her a friendly greeting and she returned it, going quiet again.Still wondering what the matter was with her, I reached over the table and lifted the lid of the dish and at the same moment she peered over. "yuck" we said in synchronisation and then laughed together as we saw what the dish contained. It was porridge, and not the usual one. It was made with rice and meat I'm guessing but the yuck part about it was the whiff of burnt porridge that escaped from the dish when I'd lifted the lid. I scanned the table to find something else to eat. There was white cheese, black olives, honey, boiled eggs and sliced cucumber and tomatoes. I decided to take what Annie was eating. the small incident over the porridge had seemed to break the ice between us as she was more at ease with me now. I asked her and she piled up my plate for me. there was a dish of scrambled eggs cooked with tomatoes and peppers which was called Menemen. There was turkish bread and Borek which is like a pastry with thin sheets of dough with a variety of fillings such as potatoes, minced meat, spinach, cheese etc and has sesame seeds sprinkled on top. There were some kebap and simit as well. Not to forget Turkish coffee that went along with it. Man, these people really knew how to turn breakfast into a feast.

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