#6 The bed-time ghost story

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Chapter #6  The bed-time ghost story

A/N; this chapter is dedicated to adventureworld, please check out her work. thanks!


"Many years ago, and by that I mean about three quarters of a century ago, this house used to be much different,it was smaller and the hall you were in was a main hall of the house. The area surrounding it was used as a farm, our ancestors were quite successful farmers and traders, which would explain the little bit of grandness that can be seen in the hall.

This place was very serene and peaceful back then, it was more of a village and fishing and trading through sea was very common even in those days because our harbour and docks were built a very long time ago.

Well back to the point, everything was normal until one day there was a woman was found dead on the fields. She was shot. An investigation was carried out because from what I've heard she was an important person. Why? I don't know that. But the investigation had to end because apparently there wasn't enough evidence, and the case was closed with the verdict that the woman had committed suicide. The case caused a lot of sensation at first but then it slowly died down. However some time after that, our ancestors decided to extend the house, following a stroke of luck in business and the extension of the house was built on the land the farm once was."


He paused for a moment and took a long breath and sipped some from his already cold coffee. I took this opportunity to take a look at him. He didn't look as old as he should, considering he was my father's cousin but i'm guessing he could be seven to eight years older than me. He had grey eyes and dark hair but the most outstanding thing was a small yet prominent scar on his left cheek, and pierced ears, though he wasn't wearing any ear rings or such jewellery. He had a fair complexion, like most turks and could easily be called good-looking.


I was waiting for him to resume his story but he just sat silently, staring at his cup as he swirled its remaining contents around. That couldn't be the end of the story, right? Because it doesn't even explain why I shouldn't go near that hall. After impatiently waiting for a few more moments, I decided to ask him.


"So that's it? Doesn't explain why I shouldn't go in that hall again."


"No it doesnt. But the rest of the story will. So where was I? Ah yes, there was an extension to the original house. The dead woman was soon forgotten, but apparently she didn't like it because sometimes later, there were strange, unexplainable happenings in the house. At first it was ignored, but when it got constant that part of the house was completely vacated and everything was moved to the newer part of the house."


"well what I was told was that things were found in different places from where they originally were, the doors and windows opened and shut themselves, and a few people also noticed animals getting hyper every month on the same night the woman was killed. And well there've been, well, sightings."



"many people have claimed to have seen the ghost of the dead woman lurking in the old halls, and in places nearby, especially in the woods. And I have a feeling that the second floor and the empty guest rooms on the left side of the first floor are haunted."


"Who told you all this?" I asked him.


"My Grandfather"


After that we were quiet for a few moments until something clicked in my mind. Did they give me a haunted room to stay?! "Did you just say rooms on left part of first floor?"


"yup. Since they are usually uninhabited. Don't worry knowing you, you'll probably give the ghost such a nice kick-ass lesson that not only she but the whole ghost community will fear you and who knows you might just be the perfect exorcist that we need." He teased, referring to the incident in the hall.


"well its been a long day, I must go to bed now, it was a pleasure talking you Roslina.", He winked as he got up from couch he was sitting on and exited the room. I sat there for a few moments, pondering over his story. So now I was living in a haunted mansion? Yay!! Wouldn't my friends be thrilled to hear a first hand account of my encounter with a ghost!! I thought sarcastically.


Rustam said the part where my room was could be haunted. And was it a coincidence that the silhouette of the silent intruder in the middle of the night was of a woman??


Snap out of it Roslina. You really believe in some ghost story someone told you just to scare you? My mind scolded me. And ghosts can diffuse through walls, right? They wouldn't need to enter through the door.


But what was his reason in telling me this story? He was trying to scare me away from the old halls, that's for sure. And why did he come after me when he knew there was a ghost in there? (not that I believe there really is a ghost in here).  And there sure is something fishy about this story. A woman just randomly shot herself on the fields? There are better ways to commit suicide. And it was declared suicide only after they failed to find any evidence. Doesn't make sense to me. A sudden stroke of luck which allowed them to expand their mansion? Doesn't sound plausible to me. and from the stories I've heard of ghosts, they only haunt places that carry something important, some clue.


I dont believe in a person's soul haunting and occupying a place on earth after their death, no matter how cruelly they were killed or unjustly they were treated on this world. Every one's soul returns to its Creator where it stays until the day of Resurrection.But from how ghost stories go, this one definitely doesn't make sense.Did Rustam unintentionally drop a hint for me in his story?


"weeeell Ih suppposeee ih should goooh to bed" I said aloud between my yawn, suddenly becoming aware of the silence around me and for some reason felt uncomfortable, like when you see a horror movie and you know its all fake but somehow when you are going to bed, you imagine yourself in the place of the main character and think that the evil spirit or the serial murderer is waiting for you in a corner, ready to pounce on you any minute? That's how I felt. Ugh, Rustam and his stupid ghost tale! I really should have mocked him while I had the chance and not let his story get to my head.  

I got up and went out, meeting my father on the way as I had a small talk with him basically about how I liked this place, his plans for the next day and such stuff. I finally reached the staircase as I literally dragged myself up and within the next few moments I had brushed and changed and gotten into my bed, waiting for sleep to overcome me, but not before promising myself that I will get to the bottom of it, no matter how long it takes or how hard it gets.


Hi everyone, hope you all are doing well.

What do you think of this chapter? What are your ideas about where this story's going to go or should go? If you have any, I'd love it if you can share them with me.

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Happy Winter Vacations,

Until next update

-Bia xx


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