#9 A New Resolution

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Chapter #9 A New Resolution

I felt really uneasy the rest of the day after I had my doubts of someone entering my room while I was gone. A small thing as that sent my emotions into whirlwind. At first I was plain confused, because why would anyone do such a thing? Next was doubt and disbelief, as I declared myself to have gone officially insane, because according to me I'd started seeing and imagining things, like that intruder in my room a few nights back. Next it was embarrassment, as I realised whoever that someone was could have gone through my private stuff, maybe even my diary. This thought was soon discarded and the only remaining emotion I felt was fear and alarm. What if I had not imagined anything? what if someone was actually keeping an eye on me? What if my gut feelings and intuition was true?

At dinner, my mind was clouded with such thoughts, which made me eat very little. However every feeling of that kind was soon out of the window as I saw the dessert. Mmhm. I just love desserts and sweets. Well, my father does too, so does Grandpa. Maybe it runs in my blood?

All my worries flew out of the window as I took a spoonful of pudingli pasta, which, while its name may suggest something else, is actually layers of cake or biscuit which is covered in a chocolate pudding-like filling and served cold. It's a little piece of heaven in itself, I'm telling you.

I strolled outside for a little while after dinner before going up to my room. Once I reached it, I took extra care in locking it. I then brushed my teeth, changed into my pyjamas and turned off the light switch. I slid into my bed, and thinking of doing some reading, I switched on the bed-side lamp, another lovely thing in my room. It had a rose coloured shade on it, which set the room in rosy hues as soon as it was turned on. However I couldn't' succeed in reading for more than five minutes, because I started seeing double and my eyes were feeling sore from lack of sleep. Therefore even though I wanted very much to finish my book, I couldn't struggle against my body, so I turned it off and went to sleep.


Next morning, I woke up feeling much better than I had for the past couple of days resulting from the early bed-time I had the night before. It was very early in the morning, about 5:45 am. It was still dark but it would be daybreak in a few moments. I hurried to perform my prayer. Afterwards, since I couldn't decide what to do, I resolved on taking a bath.

So currently I was in the bath tub, enjoying the lovely feel of bubble bath as I stared at the roof and began thinking of the past few days. It was then that I realised how crazy I had been. Every uneasy feeling I had towards this house stemmed from my own silly thoughts. I was merely suffering from desynchronosis, or jet lag if you will, and I made all conclusions based on one silly notion which was the possession of Jarjis' immense wealth. It shouldn't have been a surprise. I mean almost everyday people find out they have rich relatives they never knew existed, or that they have been left a fortune by a late relative who only remembered them in their will, after terminating every kind of association with the said relative for years. Even Annie, who is such a sweet gentle person, appeared suspicious to me at first and mr Orhan, I don't even know him properly but still I disliked him and found him suspicious just because his arrival had been in such a gangster-like manner, wearing black, driving a black car. So the bottom-line is: I'd been unconsciously or subconsciously playing Nancy Drew. I was overthinking and over-reacting and over-analysing, as I often tend to do, when I'm in a society that I'm not well- acquainted with, as well as a place I haven't been to before.

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