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I still feel it, your soft hand on the side of my face.  I look into your deep hazel eyes; I gently brush the hair out of your face smiling.  You other hand on my side, I look at you, catching my breath kind of shocked that you revived me. 
I whisper, my hand caressing your face, the scar on your face glows blue, you nod at me. I lean in and kiss you.  Your soft lips on mine, warmth flows thru my body, everything stops, becomes silent all I feel is you, I don’t want it to end.

  Blue light surrounding us, I pull away slightly, staring into your majestic eyes, so soft kylo Ren is no more, all I see is ben solo. 
  I gently touch your face, you smile, with warmth I smile back.

  Finally, after all the fights and battles I found you I got ben back!  Blue butterfly’s fly around us, the ground glowing blue! 
  I love you I whisper, gently holding your face in my hands, you giggle slightly and nod. 

  Your face goes pale, I look at you confused, you fall ever so gently, I hold on to your hand, pulling me towards you as you fall. 
  I feel everything shatter, a tear rolls down my cheek as you slowly fade away.  Lightning flashes, the wind picks up, I look up still holding your hand.  Palatine is standing there, YOU LOST REY, he shouts! 

  He shoots electricity towards me, I scream.
REY, I hear a voice, calling me, I open my eyes heavily breathing, poe is standing there concerned.  I sit up sweaty, looking around. He gently places his hand on mine.

  I jump a little, then look up at him, “I know”, he says softly, hugging me.  I fight back tears, “He isn’t gone”, I say sobbing!
  Poe rubs my back my head on his shoulder. 

He just hugs me tight, letting me cry I know you’re not gone!

  I feel it, a spark in the force, electricity thru my body telling me your still alive waiting to be found, palatine isn’t dead!  He only he knows where you’re at, I am determined to change that!  

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