Chapter Three: Ms. Gorgeous

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Walking into Ms. A's class, I notice a few students lingering behind after the bell had already rung. A group of students were having an intense conversation in the back of her classroom. The volume continues to get louder and louder. Soon all you hear is shouting coming from the other side of the room.

"Hey! Hey! Cut out all that noise!" A demanding voice booms over the chaos. Their African accent helps me identify the voice as my AP Lang teacher Ms. A.

Ms. A's off-white jumpsuit complements her mocha complexion, as she rises from her organized desk. Her black heels click against the tiled floor, as she makes her way toward the noisy group. Ms. A's jet black straight hair that stops just above her behind, sways from side to side as she continues to walk.

Many of the lingering guys in the classroom are put in a trance from watching her. Mrs. A is truly beautiful. She's also the only teacher I know that wears heels to school every day. I still don't understand why she has to dress like a runway model every time she steps into this school. She told me once that as a black woman -- image is important. She also told me that you should always present the best version of yourself.

On top of being wise and beautiful, Ms. A also looks very young. I know she has to at least be in her mid-thirties. Although, she could fool you to think she's at least nineteen.

I know! That's how young she looks. She also has these gorgeous grey eyes that makes her look unique. She passed these grey eyes down to her daughter as well; A.K.A, my best friend Ashanti.

When she finally reached the group she shouted, "You're dismissed! The bell has already rung. What are you guys still doing in my classroom? It is not lunch -- bringing all that noise in here! I know your parents or legal guardians raised you better than that! Don't come to my classroom with all that loud noise again! Like this is one of your basketball games! Do I make myself clear?" She rants.

"Yes Ms. A," They all say in unison. All their faces were plastered with fear and their skin turned so pale.

"Now get out of my classroom before I call all of your parents!" The group scurried toward the classroom door in fear.

"Period Ms. A! Let them know!" Another voice jeered from behind me. Ms. A rolls her eyes at the person. She then makes her way to her desk while murmuring something in her African language. She does this a lot when she's irritated...which is every day.

I bet that was Maya who said that.

Tilting my head in the direction of the voice, I notice Maya's crazy butt standing in the doorway. Her bun looks a little disheveled causing me to worry. I really hope Mason got to her in time.

The noisy group walks past Maya, sending her death glares. Maya just snickers and waves goodbye to them. This girl....

Maya finally notices me and speed walks in front of me. "Ok Zuri, what's the tea?" She demands.

"We have to wait for Shanti and for the classroom to clear out." I remind her.

Maya nods in understanding and takes a seat at a nearby desk. She props her feet on the table before Ms. A protests. "Little girl! Were you raised in a barn? I know you are not putting your dirty feet on my clean desk!"

"Sorry Ms. A," Maya grumbles, removing her feet, pulling out her phone, and browsing through her apps.

Suddenly, I'm face to face with someone gripping a camera. "And now, we're face to face with the beautiful, sensational....Zuri Taylor!" Announces a deep voice putting a smile on my face.

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