Chapter Five: Quitter

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 It's Friday. Normally, I would be rejoicing because another dreadful week is over and I get two days of freedom. Yet, I hover over my kitchen counter with a scowl over my face glaring at my soggy bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios.

I hear my refrigerator open behind me acknowledging that someone's in the kitchen. I don't even bother greeting whoever it is.

"You ok sis?" Questions a raspy voice with a hint of a base. Out of the corner of my eye, I notice my brother's tall figure standing beside me. Zerick's dreads fell to his shoulders. His white wife beater clings to his body complementing his dark brown complexion and defined muscles. I shrug my shoulders to answer his question. Suddenly, the smell of something appalling attacks my nose. It almost reminds me of the smell of a skunk. Turning to face my brother I bicker, "You reek of weed Zerick! I thought you said you were going to stop smoking that stuff."

He rolls his chocolate eyes at me. "I'm trying ok and this is my first one in two months."

"You promised me!" I accused.

"And I haven't broken your promise! I told you I would try to stop smoking. What have I been doing these past few months? Trying!"

"Great! I was proud of you up until this point! Why did you stop? Why are you being a quitter?"

Taking a deep breath, my brother grabs the hair tie that was on his wrist. He angrily grabs all his dreads and ties it into a man bun on the top of his head. "No one said anything about being a quitter. You don't know how much stress I've been under this week! I -," Zerick takes another deep breath, stopping himself. "I would of expected you as my sister to have a little bit of faith in me. I guess that's too much to ask from you. You're the only one that's ever believed in me. Mom doesn't, my one. Don't be like them, because you're the only one I have -"

Just then the sound of our garage opening informed us that our mother was home from work. "You know what nevermind." My brother utters before walking up our stairs. "Zerick wait!" I call out but he ignores me and continues up the steps.

"Please Zerick." He still continues to walk up the steps.

"I do trust you," I whisper. His feet come to a halt indicating he heard me. Walking around the kitchen counter, my feet stop at our stairs. My eyes burn into my brother's tense back. I know he can sense my presence, but he doesn't turn around. Sighing I announce, "You might want to go outside and air out that smell. Wouldn't want mom to catch you."

He nods his head slightly, but still doesn't move. Sighing, I make my way back to the kitchen counter. My hands grab my bowl and dump its contents in the sink. I wasn't gonna finish that cereal anyways. As I was washing my bowl, our alarm system goes off and announces, "Front door open." Zerick must of took my advice.

Now I feel bad. He was just trying to be a concerning brother and I took some of my frustration out on him. Ever since last summer, things have just started to go downhill for him. I don't know what happened and he won't open up about it. When I caught him smoking weed a few months ago, I was so disappointed. That was the final straw. I didn't talk to him for like a month. Then he made a promise to me. I really need to talk to him though. Something's up.....

Moments later the alarm goes off again and announces, "Garage door open." The clicking of heels echoes in the hallway. A short figure emerges from the hall and into the kitchen.

A petite woman stops by the nearest wall to take off her nude heels. Her bronze skin glows from the sun's light outside our window. Her long sleeve burgundy dress clings to her body showing off her small curves. The dress has a slight v neck, exposing a little of the woman's cleavage and ends just above her knees. Her long sisterlocks cascade past her waist. When her eyes lock with mine her full lips stretch into a knowing smile.

"Hey mom." I greet and send her a smile in return.

"Hey baby." My mom rounds the table and wraps her loving arms around me. Since she's short, the top of her head stops just above my shoulders. Her height may be 4'11", but she's got the confidence and authority of a giant. "Have you heard anything from the school regarding that teacher? There's supposed to be a school meeting next week Friday. I just got a text on Remind from your school about it."

A scowl forms on my face. The frustration from earlier comes tumbling back to me. The events from last week Friday's auditions flood my memory. Mrs. Williams' used a derogatory term. She said the n-word.

The anger on Monty's face was so prominent, I thought he might explode. It took about ten people to hold Monty back, including myself. We had to drag him to the lobby to calm him down. Every black individual was just as angry as Monty. I wanted to slap the cheap tan off of Mrs. Williams' face, but I knew what would be at stake. We all knew what would be at stake if we let our emotions take over the situation. We would never be able to come back to school. Mrs. Williams' ignorant actions would not be the reason we'd lose a good education. Every black student at the audition left after Mrs. Williams' stunt, including me.

That following Monday, Mrs. Williams announced that auditions had been put on hold until further notice. That was it. No apology concerning her actions, just that the auditions have been postponed. The school has been receiving complaints from parents and students about her actions, yet nothing has been done. That's why I've been so frustrated this past week. Nothing has been done for her inconsiderate actions. None of our voices are being heard! There hasn't been a meeting -


"Did you say meeting mom?"

"Yeah, there's supposed to be some mandatory meeting next week Friday. The whole school has to attend."

"Interesting....did they say why?"

"Not really, but it better have something to do with that teacher, I know that!" she proclaims while I nod in agreement.

Walking into our open living room, my eyes scan a shelf filled with picture frames. One of the pictures catches my eye. It's a portrait photo of a dark-skinned man. He's soluting me in his camouflage uniform. The man wears a matching camouflage hat with a golden star stitched in the middle. Beneath the star, the words "U.S. Army" are engraved as well.

I miss you dad.

"Mom, have you gotten anything in the mail?" I question while still examining the photo.

With a sigh she replies, "No honey. You know your dad's probably really busy."

To busy to write a letter to his concerning family? Can we at least know he's alive and well? Is that too much to ask for?

Rolling my eyes, I tear my gaze away from the photo. A bright pink duffle bag catches my attention by the front door. It holds all the items I'll need for my neighbor's sleepover tonight. My neighbor....who is Ashanti and lives across the street from me. We have been neighbors since we were in elementary. Ashanti, Maya, and I agreed to have a sleepover tonight. We needed it after this week.

Making my way to the front door I announce, "Well if you need me, I'll be over at Ashanti's." 

"Ok honey have fun at your sleepover and wear a coat! It's cold outside."

Stopping by our closet, I grab my grey peacoat and my duffle bag.

As my hand swings the door open, the cold January winter breeze attacks my skin.

"Oh Zuri!" My mother calls out from the kitchen.


"Where's your brother?"

"I think he went for a run again."

"That crazy boy thinks he's Elsa. Running around in the cold. I swear one of these days he's gonna catch pneumonia." She mutters. "Ok thanks honey."

Closing our door my feet stroll across the street to Ashanti's house. The sun waves goodbye as it sets upon the horizon. Luckily, the snow has melted from two weeks ago allowing me access to the street. Another cold winter breeze pushes me and I almost stumble to the ground. My hand loses grip of my duffle bag and it flys to the middle of the street.

I hate Milwaukee weather....

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