Blue moon

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OK so, basically during a full moon Shelby will not be able to control herself like she would be able to control herself if she had chosen to go into Wolf form
Shelby POV

I walked into the student lounge and sat on the couch across from Ethan and Sarah when Benny walked over

B: who's got two thumbs three free candy bars in his best buds with Dave Sakowski? That's right this guy.
s: I,uh, see what you mean.
E: it gets worse. It's like he's inserted himself into my life.
S: so he eats all your food. Not enough to break up a good bromance.
E: there's more the guy howls.
D: woo hoo free candy bar. *howls*
B: A lot of dudes howl. It's a... It's a jock animal thing.
E: I can't be the only one who's noticed how hairy he is.
B: so he's hairy. A lot of guys are hairy. It's a hairy guy thing.
S: it's basic math: howling plus hair equals –
B: awesome!
E: werewolf
s: Ethan, Shelby, not everything is supernatural. You're obsessed.
B: yeah, he's just hanging out with us because he realized how cool we are. Watch. I'll prove it.

Then when he got up to go talk to a couple girls when he came back he had a Cheeto up his nose and Cheeto dust in his hair

B: yup dude's a werewolf
S: told you so
E: OK, we prove that David's a werewolf. Then we figure out what he wants.
s: i've got better things to do in stock back shavers.
B: like what?
s: Soccer tryouts.
S: I think she was serious.
B: oh, well, in that case I'm sure it will be fine.


Me and Ethan are walking downstairs to meet up with Benny

B: dude and girl i've got it. I spell that will totally prove David's a werewolf. I hit them with it. And Bam! It's claw and tooth time.
We get it on tape, throw it on the net, 2 million views later, ca-chow! Bucks, babes... Benny.
S: you left out biting and bodies. Because if there's a werewolf in school, you're going to get plenty of both.
B: do you want to know if hes dog or not?


We are standing on the field waiting for Benny to do a spell

B: all right, just one little spell, and things are about to get furry.

I looked across the field and saw Erica shouting " go team hairy!"

S: Now your chance. Zap him!
B: zap him? That's like Star Wars this is magic totally different geek universe.

Benny said the spell and it went right around David and hit me of course I turned into a wolf and at that point principal Hicks came outside and saw a "dog" on the field

B: oh no!
H: boys care to explain why you have a dog on school grounds especially during school hours.
E: I, um,
H: your dog will be in my office for the rest the day after school you can come get him or her now who's dog is it
E: it's Bennys.
H: Benny you can come get your dog after school and you have to detention for the rest of the week
(A/N: OK I know that's not how to deal with dogs on school grounds but just go with it please)

Principal he turns and walked away to his office so of course I had to follow him I looked back at the boys and growled at them and then I kept walking

Benny POV

B: dude why did you said she was my dog
E: because you like her. Now Say the spell again and actually hit him.

𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑦𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝑀𝑎𝑔𝑖𝑐  ♥︎𝙱. 𝚆𝚎𝚒𝚛♥︎حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن