Date? (extra)

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Benny POV

It's Monday and now I have to ask her out come on Benny you got this it's Not like you're asking out someone you don't stop thinking about. Nope never mind not doing it, no if I don't do it now I won't do it at all ok here we go


I walked into school and saw Shelby but something was off about her she didn't look like her self so I walked over to her

B: hey Shelby
S: what do you want nerd
B: huh?
S: I said what do you want nerd!
B: I was wondering if you wanted to hangout later?
S: ummm? Why would I hang out with you I don't hangout with dweebs and their friends
B: but you always hangout with me and Ethan
S: sure. Maybe in you dreams.

Then some random guy came over

S: hey babe
B: what?!
S: yeah I actually hangout with cool people
??: is he bothering you baby?
S: no, Noah it's ok
B: she doesn't need your help Noah she's a freaking werewolf
S: *bursts out laughing*
N: ok idk what dork world your in but werewolves don't exist

I turned around and walked towards everyone else

E: so how'd it go
B: that wasn't Shelby
s: well it looks like her
e: yeah that looks like Shelby
B: but it's not when I said she was a werewolf she burst out laughing and she's sucking face with that Noah guy
s: yep not Shelby
E: how do you know
s: she never kisses someone until the 2nd date and I talked to her yesterday and she didn't mention a Noah
B: Ethan can't you go use your vision powers and see what's wrong
E: ok

Ethan walked over to Noah and "bumped" into him and a few seconds later he walked over to us in full shock

B: what's wrong
E: if we don't save Shelby by midnight she'll die forever
s: well how do we do that
e: can't your grandma fix this Benny
B: fine but for once it's not my fault wohoo


After school we all went to see my grandma and when she saw me

Bg: what'd you do this time
B: I didn't do anything but Shelby's under a spell and if we don't save her buy midnight she dies
Bg: what was his name
s: Noah
Bg: yep this is gonna be tougher than I thought
E: why
Bg: by the name of who was able to use this spell you can tell how strong it is and Noah is the strongest name
e: so she's a goner
Bg: not necessarily I have everything or the reversal spell except for "Noah's" DNA
B: well let's do this


Sarah and Erica stayed behind to help grandma with the spell while me and Ethan had to get the last ingredient when we saw Shelby and "Noah" kissing each other and it took everything in my power not to punch Noah finally they stopped and "Noah" waved his hand in her face and she was as stiff as a board then me and Ethan ran behind them as they walked off we cut a piece of Noah's hair and grabbed Shelby and took of back to grandmas when we got there however Noah was waiting

N: hey! That's my girlfriend
B: no, she's not!
E: umm Benny

We notice Shelby starts walking towards Noah I try to grab her but she just keeps walking

N: Shelby attack the 2 nerds
S: yes, master.

Shelby turned into a wolf and ran towards us

E: Sarah, Erica we could use your help!
B: yeah that would be great!

Then they showed up and held Shelby off as we ran inside and gave grandma "Noah's" hair she put it in and started finishing the spell and guess who walked In yep Shelby she had blood around her mouth and walked towards us

B: Shelby y-you don't have to do this
S: orders are orders
E: it's us your best friends Ethan and Benny
S: *quiet*

Grandma finally finished the potion and tossed it to me I poured it into shelbys mouth and she fell over

Bg: she'll be fine, she'll wake up in a few hours

Me and Ethan nodded and walked outside Sarah and Erica were fine "Noah" was dead and everything was fine

B: what happened here
s: Shelby attacked us and we "died" after she walked inside took care of the trash


It was about 10:30 and Shelby was still asleep Everyone decided to stay until she woke up

E: she'll wake up
B: I know it's just today I was gonna ask her out and now we're here
s: the days not over

Then Shelby woke up and looked at us

S: my head hurts
B: thank god you're ok
S: why wouldn't I be

Everyone walked into the kitchen giving me and Shelby a moment alone

B: you have no idea how happy I am that your alive
S: care to fill me in
B: this "Noah" guy put a spell on you
S: why am I always the one who gets spelled or cursed or something
B: *mumbles* bc you're pretty
S: hmm?
B: nothing

We sat for a moment starring in each other's eyes and soon we kiss It felt like there were fire works around us and we pulled away

Shelby POV

Finally we kissed thank you god then we pulled away

B: will you go on a date with me?
S: does this answer your question

I kissed him again and my world felt complete we pulled away again

B: yeah
S: can we go to bed now I'm fucking tired
B: sure

We laid down cuddled up on the couch and fell asleep in each other's arms

Sarah POV (new POV has entered the chat)

We walked back into the living room and saw Benny and Shelby asleep on the couch holding each other

s: awww they're so cute
e: I know
E: I'm going to bed
s: night
e: I'm going to get dinner bye guys
s: bye

Ethan went to bed and Erica went to eat someone I just decided to go home

Thanks for reading and yes I am back Wednesday is going to be my posting day and if I miss it I'll just post the following weekend also I'm gonna make a new book for escape the night it's gonna start on the 2nd season tho
Also next Monday is my birthday so yay! I'm gonna be 14 soon
Anyway love you byyeeee❤️

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