Allergic (extra)

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(A/n: hi, yes, I know it's been a very long time, but I have a new part. This story will have slow updates because A. I'm working on another story and B. I have school! Yay! *note the sarcasm* anyway I started using "" so instead of this S: it's changing to this "" and C. I now write in the third person but I really don't feel like rewriting this whole story and yes I know the previous parts were cringy but IT GETS BETTER I PROMISE, just wanted to say that, anyway love you.)

No ones POV

It was Thursday and Shelby had only 2 more days till her date. To say she is excited is an understatement. Well, she was until she saw all the new perfume posters on the wall at school. It was a new dusk perfume that was gonna be released tomorrow and she knew Erica was not gonna be able to shut up about it as soon as she saw her. And Shelby was right, as usual. "Oh my gosh...did you see it?! I'm going to buy every bottle as soon as they hit the shelves!" Erica screamed into the werewolf's ear once she opened her locker

"And by buying them you mean...?" Shelby dragged off knowing what her answer was

"Sneaking into the stores after they've stocked the shelves and taking them, duh." Erica answered as Sarah walked over

"I am so excited!" Sarah said to Shelby as she walked over

"Finally, someone else excited about the dusk perfume!" Erica exclaimed

"No, not about that. About your date!" Sarah smiled as she nudged Shelby who was trying to hide her face which looked like a tomato

"Oh yeah! Your dates this Saturday too! We have to get you an outfit!" Erica gleamed

"Guys, it's fine he said it was a casual thing, so I'm just gonna wear a cute shirt and some jeans." Shelby shrugged. Here's the thing Shelby may be an immortal werewolf, but she hasn't been on many dates. If you counted all the dates she's been on. This would her 5th. Sad, I know.

"A cute shirt and jeans, really?" Sarah asked in disbelief

"No. After school I'm taking you shopping and we're getting you a cute dress. No arguing." Erica stated before dragging Sarah off with her to civics

"What would I do without those two?"


After hours of shopping and trying on dresses Shelby had finally found the one. It was a spaghetti strap, with roses over the black base of the dress. It fell just above her knees and it was flowy so if it was hot wherever they were she would be able to stay cool and if it was cold she hopes Benny will give her his jacket. Even though her two best friends had already helped her on Friday they planned on going over and Erica would do Shelby's make up as Sarah did her hair. Erica waltzed in spraying her new perfume around the entire house. "What are you doing?" Shelby asked

"Well, I want it to smell like dusk wherever I go so plan on it to smell like this forever." Erica smirked

"Let's just get your ready for this date." Sarah dragged Shelby back into her bedroom as Erica continued to spray the perfume in ever nook and cranny she could find. Mocha laid on the bed as Sarah walked over to pet her then went back to start on Shelby's hair.

"Ok, I need silence, I have to focus." Erica said getting to work and trying to find what products to use on the girls face. Soon 3/4's of Shelby's hair was done and Erica was working on the eyeliner when Shelby Started to sneeze. "Ugh, would you stop sneezing. I'm gonna mess up your eyeliner."

"I think it's your perfume." Shelby got out in between sneezes. Sarah put down the curling iron and grabbed the Bottle reading off the ingredients. "Is there seaweed or sea salt in it?"

"Yes and yes." Sarah said

"I'm allergic!" Shelby shouted then went into a panic "Oh gosh, what am I gonna do?! Benny can't see me like this!"

"Wait, are you deathly allergic?" Erica asked

"No, but it kicks my sneezing into over drive, I start having coughing fits, I get really really bad headaches and my face gets red." She said taking he make up off making Erica pout at her destroyed work. "You have to call Benny for me and stop this date."

"I can't my phone is being fixed after I accidentally dropped it in the mystery meat at school." Sarah apologized

"I got mine taken away after I went over my texting limit." Erica said then they looked at Shelby's phone, which was supposed to be on her nightstand charging, but instead it was in mochas mouth. And mocha was backing towards the bathroom. The girls walked toward mocha slowly trying to get the phone back whilst telling her 'No, bad girl.' 'Give the phone to me.' 'Don't go to the bathroom.' But all hope was lost as mocha had went to get a drink out of the toiled bowl with the phone in her mouth. The three girls groaned as hope was lost. Shelby felt woozy so she went to lay in bed, as Sarah tried to get rid of the perfume smell by lightning candles, spraying ferbreez, and wiping the vents where Erica sprayed her perfume. Soon, Sarah had an idea.

"Why don't me and Erica find Benny and tell the date had to canceled because of a medical emergency?" Sarah suggested

"Yes! Do it! Just hurry." Shelby exclaimed


Benny stood outside Shelby's front door checking his breath before he knocked. Benny had worn a white long sleeve dress shirt, light brown khaki pants and some of his fancier tennis shoes. "Come in!" Shelby shouted thinking it was Sarah or Erica coming to tell her the date was off. Her face was now red from her constant runny nose and sneezing. Benny had walked into her room thinking he would see a dressed up and ready to go Shelby but what he got was a sick one. "Benny! Oh god! Uh, this was not supposed, um, you weren't supposed to see me like this. I am so sorry. Ericas perfume had seaweed and sea salt, which I'm allergic to, so it caused an allergic reaction. I would've called, but mocha dropped my phone down the toilet, and I-I...I am so so sorry." She sighed siting on her bed facing the ground not able to look up at the man who stood in her doorway. Benny set the flowers on the desk in her room and sat next to her on the bed.

"It's okay." He said calmly grabbing her hand

"No, no, it's not. This was supposed to be a good day and I-I screwed it up." Shelby said taking her hand out of Bennys and putting her head in her hands.

"Hey, it's okay. It's not your fault Ericas perfume caused an allergic reaction. We can still have our date here." Benny tried to cheer her up

"How? I look like a tomato and I have a sneezing and/or coughing fit every few minutes." Shelby slightly laughed

"You grab some blankets and turn on a movie and I'll get the snacks." Benny smiled before rushing off to the kitchen. Shelby smiled at the boy before grabbing a couple blankets. She laid them out on her couch and turned on The Maze Runner. Soon Benny sat next to her and placed the bowl of popcorn in between them. Even though the two teens were fairly close friends, you could cut the tension in the room with a knife and eat it. As Thomas was being thrown down by Gally, Benny finally made a move, he moved the popcorn and pulled Shelby closer to his chest. Shelby tensed for a second at the sudden action, but quickly relaxed under his touch. They both adjusted to a more comfortable position, so Benny was laying on his back while Shelby laid on his chest. Around the time when Minho, Thomas and Alby were exiting the maze Shelby had managed to fall asleep. If you ask me, it was probably because Benny kept running his fingers through her hair. Benny stared at the girl in awe. He had no idea how he had scored a date with her, even if it didn't go to plan. Meanwhile, Shelby was thinking about trying not to fall asleep. She felt like it would make her seem bored and not interested. But soon tiredness took over and her eyes fluttered shut. It wasn't until Thomas stabbed himself with a stinger that Benny realized Shelby had fallen asleep. He smiled at her contently and soon sleep took over him too.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2021 ⏰

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