I miss you but I dont miss you

6 1 0

I miss the days where we hung out,
I miss the days I watched you sprout,

I miss the days we talked forever,
I miss the days we sent out on endeavors,

I miss the days we went to the movies,
I miss the days we went for coffees,

I miss the days we did things together,
I miss you altogether,

I may miss these things, but do I miss what you brought?,
I think about our friendship and I see how much you were flawed,

I don't miss the times I was there for you and it wasn't returned,
I don't miss the times I got burnt,

I don't miss being blown off,
I don't miss being put at the bottom of the trough,

I don't miss being told excuse after excuse,
I don't miss being turned into a recluse,

I don't miss having to fight to see you,
I don't miss having others skew your view,

I may miss many things we did,
But I don't wish my decision to depart from you to be undid.

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