My happiness

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Reflecting on the 20 years I lived,
I've learned Happiness is short-lived.

Can I recall the last time I was happy?
Hello no, my life's always been crappy.

Want to know what my happiness looks like?,
It looks something like this.

Finally getting out of this hellhole,
Changing my life as a whole,

Finding a career that I actually enjoy,
Helping my mom really find her joy,

Buying my family a house they deserve,
Sitting back in serenity to observe,

Being financially stable to never worry about money,
If I could do that, I'd be so lucky,

Allowing myself to not worry about little things,
Going with the flow with what the world brings,

Getting myself in the best of health,
Playing the cards that I've been dealt,

These things may seem too big to grab onto,
But, this is MY happiness and it shouldn't be an issue to you

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