III - Definations

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These are some definitions. They are simple versions so everyone can understand. Let me know if you want in depth definitions. Sources will be at the bottom.

Also please do not use just google. Here ar a few things they say that are incorrect

Witchcraft- "practice of magic, especially black magic"

This is false. Witches are not suppose to use black magic as witchcraft and Wiccan and them focus on harming none.

Witch- "a women thought to have magic powers, especially evil ones , popularly depicted as wearing a black cloak and pointed hat and flying on a broomstick."

This may be true in tv shows and movies this is not true in real life. Real witches cannot fly on broomsticks and again don't usually practice black magic. They might not also dress in black.

Now onto the real definitions

Witch- A person who usually practices magick, male or female.

Wicca- A religion that practices witchcraft and nature worship.

Pagan- an umbrella term for religions including wicca, druidy, GaelPol, and more.

Note: you can Pagan and not be witch.

Witchcraft- practicing magick and using it in your everyday life.

Alter- a place for worship. This is where you you can pray to a god/ goddess, cast spells, meditation, etc.

What other definitions do you want me to do? I will be doing definitions of tools and what they are used for

Sources (read the sources if you want in depth detail of the definitions)


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