Chapter II

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"I'm sure you're familiar with pizzerias?", Allura asked as she walked next to Pidge, their arms hooked in one another. Instead of dry September weather, it had started raining. They shared a small pink umbrella, while the three children they called boys made it a competition of pushing eachother in the shallow puddles.

Well, Keith and Lance, at least. Hunk just sort of hyped them up while under his own umbrella, enjoying their iconic banter.

"Well yeah, ofcourse! I live in a small town, but we have a Pizza Hut.", the smallest replied to her.

"Rocha's isn't really comparable to a Pizza Hut. It's more like... Uh.. Oh wait this is hard."

"It's like, a mix of Chucky Cheese and a regular restaurant!", Hunk chimed.

"Oh hell no, I don't want any of that creepy ass animatronic bullshit! I've played enough FNAF to know where that goes!", Pidge objected. Hunk and Allura laughed.

"It's okay, Pidge. It's mostly a normal pizzeria, but it just has a lot of arcade games.", she replied. If Pidge were a dog, this is where her ears would have perked up.

"Arcade games, you say?", she smirked.

"They're retro.", Hunk whispered. She flashed a bright smile. Their conversation was cut short by a, very manly, shriek. Lance had succesfully tackled Keith into a puddle. The two of them stood up, and Keith wrung out his jacket.

"You ass, my phone is in here!", he glared. Lance laughed.

"I hope it's water-resistant, Mullet~", he teased. "Oh, we're here!" He ran towards the glass doors.

"Ooooohhh, someone's excited to see Romelle~!", Hunk teased as everyone walked through the door.

"Hunk, I'm always excited to see a pretty lady." Pidge looked up at Allura, smirking.

"You're never excited to see me... Am I not pretty?", she asked. Allura had to hold in her laughter.

"U-Uh I uh... It's different! You're like my little sister...?" Keith nudged him.

"Nice save, Romeo.", he laughed. Everyone, except for Lance, joined in. They hung their coats and umbrellas on the coat rack and went down the stairs.

It was fascinating. The place was lit up by LED-lights, there were arcade games, the bar, diner-style booths... There was even a stage!

"Perplexing, huh?", Keith said.

"This place is so cool!"

"What's even cooler is the discount we get because of Romelle.", he said, grabbing her wrist and leading her to the booth they always hung out last school year. They sat down. Keith, Pidge and Allura on one bench, Lance and Hunk on the other.

"What do you guys recommend-", as Pidge was asking the question, everyone outside of Keith groaned.

"Do you really have to ask that while Keith's around?", Allura asked.

"He likes pineapple on pizza.", Hunk said.

"What? It's great! You guys are just influenced by the internet. Right, Pidge?" Silence loomed over the table as everyone looked at Pidge. She raised the menu over her face.

"I like it...", she muttered, quietly. Keith wrapped his arm around her, cheering.

"Someone who understands me!" The small brunette felt a small blush crawl to her cheeks at the warmth around her shoulders.

"Well well, aren't you all excited? I knew you'd miss me!", a cheerful voice rang.

"Romelle!", Allura greeted.

"So, did Shiro shrink or what's the tea? Finally got a girlfriend, Keith?" He retracted his arm and frowned.

"You know I don't date, Romelle."

"I'm Pidge! Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you, Pidge! I'm Romelle, as you might have guessed. Glad to see a new member to the crew!", she laughed. "What can I get y'all? The usual?" Everyone nodded. "What would you like, Pidge?"

"I'll have a Pizza Hawaii." Allura shoved her.

"You and Keith are gross." They laughed.

"No, Lura, they have taste.", Romelle winked. "At least they don't want tuna on their pizza." A frown decorated Allura's frown.

"It's really good, you know."

"Yeahhh, I'll leave that tasting up to you!", she laughed. "Your orders will be here in about 40 minutes. Why not show Pidge around the place, boys?", she looked towards Hunk and Lance.

"Last one to DDR is a rotten egg!", Lance yelled, him and Hunk running off.

"Oh fuck you and your long legs!", she ran after them.

"I'm gonna put these orders through and I'll be right with you, Keith.", Romelle said. He nodded, and she headed to the kitchen.

Keith grabbed his phone from his pocket, wrapping it up in a paper napkin, hoping to soak the water out of it. Allura fidgeted.

"Keith...?" He looked over at her.


"Do you really uh... think you're never dating again?", she glanced over at the arcade.

"For now it's a solid yes.", he frowned at her. "You know how I feel about the situation. I. Need. Time." Allura sighed.

"I know, I just..." He glanced over at the arcade aswell, then back at her. He sighed.

"Can we just- Can we drop this? I don't want to get upset on Pidge's first day here." Allura nodded. Their conversation was cut short by a stack of papers dropped in front of Keith.

"Fill in, big boy.", Romelle said, sitting down across from them. He took the pen from her hand and started filling in the documents. "I'm surprised someone actually wanted to take the late shifts. Especially with school, I'd say."

"I mean, it's a Friday night shift, so I'm free the next day. I need the money, so why not?"

"You're still saving up for that motorcycle?", Allura asked.

"It's not just any motorcycle! It's a Ducati Panigale V2!", he snapped at her.

"Isn't that thing like 16 000 dollars?", Romelle questioned.

"...Maybe. I got a loan from the bank, but I need a job to pay it off ofcourse.", he replied, signing the last paper and handing it back to her. She smiled.

"Welcome to the team, Queef!" He groaned, slamming his head onto the table.


Pidge plomped back down inbetween Keith and Allura, exhausted. She had her arms full with plush animals she had won with tickets. A bright, happy, yet tired smile plastered her face.

"I kicked their asses."

"I knew you would!", Allura replied. She grabbed her tote bag off the floor to dump the plushies into. "I'll go get the boys, Romelle's on her way I see." She stood up and made her way towards the arcade hall. Keith and Pidge shared the bench in a somewhat awkward silence.

"So... Were you the rotten egg?", he asked her. She threw her head back.

"Yeah... Damn small legs..." He nudged her arm.

"Hey, at least you kicked their asses." She smiled, nodding. Romelle put the plates down in front of them, and said she'll be back with the rest in a bit.



"If I may ask, what was that all about not doing dating?" He choked on his lemonade. She always had this lovely timing, didn't she?

"Uh, I... It's a really long story.. and personal..." He glanced over at her. "I'll explain once we get to know eachother better." She nodded. Allura and the boys arrived at the table, and they could all dig in to some delicious pizza.

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