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Just Run.

My breathing was ragged I'd been running for over an hour just running away from them.

I didn't dare look back I knew that they were chasing me I had to keep running as the road in front of me kept going I saw miles of emptiness nothing but the road, my vision blurring, my breathing fast, lungs burning I realized I had to stop or I'd collapse.

I slowed down from my running on the side of the road, gasping for any air I could get while being hunched over I slowly sat down to get off of my sore feet I did not doubt that I would not want to be on them the next day. As I sat down on the dirt alongside the road I could feel the heat searing at my skin, my sweat falling off my head as if it were water from a bucket.

Soon I'd have to find somewhere to rest for the night as of right now my main concern was that I didn't know how to get in contact with my friends without being found, I needed to know- no I need them to help me and I know I can't run forever I just need more time.  I need to find a safe place to get away from everyone trying to track me down for them I never thought my life would go this way I never knew that this was what was planned for me I had been running all my life from them and yet I never knew why they were after me all I knew was that I had to keep running from them or finally get away from them.

I see a clearing and run into it, trying to get away from them, I can't remember who they are anymore for years I've been fighting against them and I've been running forever, as I sprint into the clearing cutting sharply to my left I see them still following me. I just can't lose them, no matter where I go I can't lose them, I've been trying for years and-


Suddenly I can't see where I am
I cant feel anything except the air rushing around me, then something hammering into my back and my vision turning a blindingly white, as my vision returns I only see a very warm looking orange light and feel a burning sensation, the smell of something burning, wait MY ARM.
Quickly slapping my arm while trying to tear at the burning fabric, it removes with a satisfying rip and the searing burning leaves.

As I get up my hair falls down in my face revealing the dirt covered brown hair I hadn't seen in so long, when had it gotten that long?
There's nothing I can do now I need to get away
Slowly getting up while darting my eyes to every area I can see.

Stilling my self as if to become a barrier to the world, almost unmovable I focus on the sounds around me, a quick almost unheard crunch is behind me.

Ducking quickly I turn around and see a man, almost built as if he was a professional athlete, standing tall in front of me stares down intimidatingly at me, his deep dark blue eyes borrowing into my deep brown eyes, almost with a murderous intent, looking quickly to his hands I see there in fists, looking up I barely have enough time to tilt my body back, feeling the immense pressure in the wind as he throws a vicious hook.

I roll back, trying to analyze how much training as a fighter he's had, slowly he moves towards me, then just stops as if he's waiting, curious I step forward only to see another fist out of the corner of my eye, I can't dodge it as I try to tilt my body the other one comes rushing at me, grabbing the fist to the side I twist the arm and proceed to throw it away with as much force as I can then jump back from the larger mans strike.

As I look at the two men across from me I notice that both have seemed to have some from of martial arts training although I'm unsure if that's correct at all, but I feel like I'm going to find out one way or the other.

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