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The next morning the group had gathered to eat breakfast. All of them noticed the way Jisung clung to Minho a little bit more than usual. Hyunjin and Seungmin gripped each other's hands and smiled.

"Well, something happened last night." Hyunjin says as he smirked.

"Does it maybe have something to do with you waking up early yesterday morning?" Connor smiled as he looked directly at Jisung.

"How did you know?" Jisung asks surprised

"You were gone when I left to go surfing. I saw you land at your balcony when I was in the water."

"Oooh, busted." Seungmin chuckles.

"Well, what happened?" Jeongin asks.

"He sang me a song that he wrote for me, and then we kissed, and now he's my boyfriend." Minho said with a wide smile

"Okay, is anyone else feeling embarrassingly single in recent days?" Gracie asks with a pout

"I am." Brandi responds.

"Me too." Brittney chimes in.

"Count me in as well." Changbin says quickly. Woojin gives him a look that he doesn't notice.

The rest of the group laughs as the official couples enjoy the attention they're receiving. After they finish eating breakfast everyone goes their separate ways to enjoy themselves for the day. Most of them woke up late that morning so it was already mid-afternoon when they finished. Gracie had gone out to the main patio to relax in the pool and found herself joined by the other three girls.

"Mind if we join you?" Rachel asks 

"Not at all." Gracie responds with a smile

As the girls slip into the water Gracie notices Chan and Jeongin down on the beach just walking together 

"How much you wanna bet they'll be next?" Brittney says with a smirk as she swims up beside Gracie.

"You think they're a thing?" Brandi responds in surprise

"Gosh, you must be really oblivious." Rachel laughs.

"Oh come on, it isn't her fault she can't sense emotions." Gracie smiles trying to defend her.

"Well neither can we?" Brittney says gesturing to herself and Rachel.

"Oh, be quiet and let me live." Brandi says with a chuckle.

"Back to the whole emotion-sensing thing." Brittney says quickly with a smirk

"Yes?" Gracie responds hesitantly

"Tell us who likes who. I know you've probably figured it out by now."

"Well, Hyunjin and Seungmin like each other, and so do Minho and Jisung."

"Everyone knows that Gracie, I mean the other guys."

"That's not my place to say, I don't like using my powers to invade people's personal lives and feelings."

"That's lame." Brittney says with a pout.

"What about Connor then? I know he's probably told you." Brandi asks now interested in the topic as well.

"He actually hasn't. I know who it is because he is easy to read, but it's not my place to say without his permission."

"Aww, you're no fun." Rachel sighed.

"Says the goody-two-shoes Angel heiress." 

"Point taken."

The girls erupt into laughter and enjoy their time in the pool. Time passes by quickly and before the girls know it, it is already early evening. Their time is interrupted when Gracie's phone starts ringing on her chair at the water's edge. She climbs out of the pool to check it and upon seeing it was her mom she excuses herself to take the call.

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