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(DISCLAIMER:  The story is entirely fiction, even if some characters are based on real characters. BTS members go to university and they are normal college guys, hopefully you like this change as much as me, and enjoy the story. 

WARNING: Contains adult language, alcohol and some adult scenes)

The sky is clear, not a single cloud can be seen for kilometers. The wind blows softly with a fresh breeze that cools my body. The day can't be anymore perfect. I take a deep breath, daydreaming about what's to come this semester.. My first semester at college. 

"Are you enjoying the view?" a whisper next to my ear brings me back to reality and I get shivers when feeling his warm breath. Jason kisses my cheek softly and takes my luggage. "The girl dorms are this way" He says leading the way for my parents and me.

I smile watching Jason's blonde hair shine under the sun, he is the perfect guy. He is gentle, smart, extremely handsome and the best part is.... he is my boyfriend. Sometimes I wonder why he is with me, I'm not ugly but we are definitely on different leagues. He is tall, blue eyed, perfect smile..... He is the real version of a prince charming.

As I walk distracted thinking about how good looking Jason is I accidentally stumble on someone. He turns around surprised and helps me get back up. 

"I am so sorry... I was just distracted and-" I start to apologize but Jason interrupts me

"Are you alright Lucy?" Jason asks, looking at me. I nod at my boyfriend and notice how just for a few seconds he glared at the guy I stumbled with. 

The guy is also extremely good looking... maybe even more than Jason... he is tall and pale like a porcelain doll . His face is unreadable, he is showing no emotion at all and doesn't say anything to me or Jason. He just turns around and walks away leaving us standing there. 

Why would he help me when I fall and then act so rude? well... good thing I'm not gonna see his face again, UCLA is a huge university after all. 

When we arrive to the girl dorms building my mother stops Jason and grabs my stuff. 

"Well, we can be taking her stuff from here, it wouldn't be appropriate for you to enter the girl dorms" she says smirking and elbowing him trying to act like a cool mom. I roll my eyes, I know my parents are not at all the 'cool parent' type , but I find it very funny that they think they are. 

"I wouldn't dare enter that place, Mrs Moore" he says with a charming smile and waits for us outside. 

I take my luggage and walk inside, it's pretty, but so empty it makes me nervous. Every step I take is making me more and more nervous. I walk pass the community area on the second floor, it has a small lounge with a TV and a big kitchen with two dining tables. Some of the girls are sitting at the dining table while drinking some coffee and giggling. I might go inside the room and introduce myself later... when my mom is not behind me. 

"Room 207" I say sliding my fingers through the numbers on the door, I cross my fingers hoping my roommate will be a friendly person and preferably freshman, like me. 

When I open the door I see my room, its not huge, but I was expecting it to be smaller, there are two bunk beds, one on each side of the room, and under each bunk bed there's a desk and a lot of drawers. 

In the middle of the room there's a bay window where you can see the campus, I know that's gonna be my favorite spot, I can't wait to sit there and read my romance novel. 

I hear a gasp from my mom "this room is amazing!" she says excited "look at the view! And look at your closet, the furniture looks impeccable... It's just a shame you don't have your own bathroom, for the amount we payed I was expecting one" 

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