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"What are you so afraid of? I'm not gonna fuck you" I press my lips together. Kim leans until his mouth is at the height of my ear and whispers "unless you want me to"

I take a step back, what the heck is wrong with this guy? He sees my reaction and laughs.

"Calm down, I was just teasing" he takes a step back "see you in photography 'love' " I look at him with my mouth open... did he just imitate my boyfriend?!

Before I can think of any insult he has already left my room. I close the door behind me, but my hand doesnt leave the door knot, and I stay there holding it for at least 5 minutes until I hear my phone ring and it brings me back to reality.

I talk with my family on the phone, they were so worried about my first day of classes. I don't really know how I feel about it, so many things happened in just one day. I tell them the good parts, like digital art class which is amazing, the huge library we have, how nice everyone is with me. 

Almost everything, but I can't talk about it with my family, they will just get worried that another kid is bullying me. And I don't want to feel like I'm still in high school so I will keep those things to myself. 

I roll around my bed, I need to work on my homework and maybe even buy some groceries if I want to use the community kitchen. We can use all the equipment, but we need to have our own food.

Eve walks in and sights throwing her bag on the chair. "Finally first day is over!" she screams and moves her hands up in the air excited 

"Was it a long day?" I ask taking off my earphones 

"You have no idea, I thought it would never end, I haven't even eaten lunch yet!" she says taking a look in the mirror. 

"Oh, right, I didn't see you in the cafeteria earlier" I say remembering my day 

"Oh, sorry, were you looking for me?" she says clearly worried "I work on the university radio and the first week is chaos, I don't have time for eating at the cafeteria" she apologizes 

"Don't worry, I ate with Jason and his friends today, would have been better if you were there, they only talked about sports all day"

"Guys" Eve says rolling her eyes "that's one of the reasons I can't date them" 

"Are you gay?" I ask and completely regret it as soon as it leaves my mouth, what am I thinking? 

She laughs very hard, I think that's her normal laugh "I like guys, but I don't date. I like being an independent woman, " she says and shows me her arm muscle in a dorky way and I laugh  

"I'm sorry for asking that, I also had a long day and I can't seem to think straight" I admit

Eve grabs her chair and pulls it next to my bunk bed and sits watching me "wanna talk about it?" she says

I sight, I don't know her really, but she seems like the most honest person I've met and I'm sure we can be great friends, I just have to take the first step and open myself. 

"Well... my boyfriend is the jealous type" I say and wait for her to say something, but she just nods "and for my photography class my teacher made us work in pairs... and my partner is the biggest fuckboy I've seen in my life!" I say and as I start thinking of Kim my voice raises, but I notice and take a deep breath and continue "I told Jason that I was going to ask the teacher for a change... and I did, but the teacher didn't agree"

"And your boyfriend thinks you have changed partners" eve finishes and I nod, looking at her waiting for her to scold me "I really think your boyfriend shouldn't control who you work with, Lucy, " she says and I know she is right but I don't want to hear her say it. 

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