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I don't remember sleeping this good in my life. There's a warm sensation and I roll towards it. He hugs me, and I feel like I don't want to leave bed ever. Wait.. HE?! I open my eyes confused, who is laying next to me?

"How are you feeling little lamb?" He says, mocking me, but it's cute "Hang-overed?" It's Kim, of all the people in the world it's him.

I grab my head with both hands, I haven't noticed how bad of a headache I was having until he mentioned it. "What are you doing in my bed?" I ask still confused, I can't remember much of last night

Kim laughs, showing me his perfect teeth "Me? You are the one who came to MY bed?" he says still smiling.

He is gentle, and nice. Not like the Kim I know, the rude photography partner, he is different now. I wish he was this way when we met and I wouldn't dislike him so much, but why am I in his bed?

I jump out of bed. My heart pounds faster, what the heck am I doing in another's guy bed?! I need to get out of here... If Jason see's me, I'm done. I rush towards the door, grab the handle and that's when he speaks again.

"I wouldn't go out there if I were you, " he says and I turn to look at him, he is pointing at me "not dressed like that"

I look down and feel lighting strike me, I am naked. Well, not completely, I have my underwear and I'm wearing a male shirt, I'm sure it's his. Where are my clothes? And what happened last night?

Next to Kim, in the floor, there's a red dress. The red dress Eve lent me for the party. I am panicking, what did I do last night?

Ignoring Kim's advice I open the door, just enough so I can see if anyone is outside. There's a lot of people, very, very drunk people. There's a lounge at the end of the hallway and some guys are sleeping on the couch... The couch where I saw Jason making out with Amber.

Now I remember everything, I remember him, his lips, on another woman. "I said don't open it" Kim says softly and closes the door behind me, but I don't move or look at him, I'm spaced out thinking about Jason's betrayal.

"Wait in my bed, I will get you some water" I obey, my body is on Automatic mode "it is almost noon, the drunk guys will leave any minute now" he tells me as he leaves his room.

I get inside his big white bed, and cover myself with the silk sheets. I hug a pillow and bury my face in it trying not to cry. His pillow smells like him, I hug it tighter, this aroma alone comforts me. Kim doesn't take long, he is back with water and some food but when he sees me, he places them on the bedside table and crawls next to me, hugging me.

"Thank you, " I tell him, it's funny how this stranger's embrace can help me forget everything "You are not as bad as I thought"

"As bad?" He asks smirking "You were not thinking that last night"

I bury my face in the pillow again, embarrassed. Hopefully he cannot see how red my face is in this moment. He laughs at my reaction and tightens his embrace.

"I will talk to him" I look at him waiting for a comment, but he just looks deep into my eyes not saying a word "Even if he cheated on me I am not like him. If we are going to start dating each other then I will end things with him first"

"Dating?" He asks, pushing me away from him, his gentle attitude is all gone "What made you think you and I would start dating?"

I feel a stab, and I look at him, my jaw starts trembling and I try to speak but I don't know what to say. He is right, I was the one who came to his room, I was the one that kissed him first....

"I don't date, I thought it was very obvious... " He starts to say almost apologizing, and he is right. I'm not angry at him, I'm angry and embarrassed for myself.

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