sorry for the waitttttt😬

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Y/N's POV:

I blinked a couple of times before processing as he looked like he was in deep thought.

I wanted to surprise him so I circled around him and stood behind the bench he was sitting on. I placed my head on his shoulder and sighed.

'Hey coop.' I said softly as his eyes went wide and a I swear he was blushing.

'Y/N?!' He basically yelled as giggled at his action.

'Hey skater boy.' I said smiling at him as I played with his hair.

'How? What? Why?' Was all he could say ss he was still in a state of confusion.

'I'm here for my usual midnight skate and it's actually suprising that we've never seen each other out here before.' I stated still with my fingers intertwined with the back of his hair and leaning on the park bench still behind him.

'Well I'm pretty far from home actually...' he said closing his eyes and sighing contently as I slowly massaged the back of his head.

'That felt nice..' he said lazily as his eyes were getting heavy.

'Don't fall asleep on me Cooper.' I said as he chuckled.

'I won't...' he said almost whispering.

He was fighting to keep his eyes awake so I stopped and sat on on the bench so I was now next to him.

'Thanks for stopping otherwise I I probably would've feel asleep.'

'No problem Coop.' I said with a warm smile.

'Do you wanna come to my house?' He asked a tiny bit embarrassed.

'Yeah sure I'll just text josh so he knows where I am.' I say before whipping out my phone and texting Josh telling him where I am.

'Alright lets go.' I say eagerly wanting to see lunchclubs house for the first time.

Cooper drove us to a really nice looking house and stopped the car.

'Alright we're here.' He said before opening the door and opening my door for me.

'This looks really fucking nice.' I say as he smirked and ruffled up my hair.

I pouted at him as he smirked and walked up to the house with me trailing behind him.

'Hey Cooper, who's this?' A very tall man said as he leaned against the door frame.

'This is Y/N.' He said lightly as he chuckled and the tall man's eyes went wide.

'Y/N?!' The taller man almost shouted as I looked at Cooper confused.

'Yea??' I said not knowing who this person was but their voice sounded familiar.

'Ohhhh sorry I'm Ted Nivision.' He said finally smiling softly as he spun to face the inside of the house.

'Carson!!' He shouted as we heard light footsteps coming towards the door.

'Oh hey Y/N!' He said cheerfully as he gave me a hug.

I knew who Carson was and what he looked like because we play CS-GO almost everyday.

'Hey Carson!' I said with just ad much energy as Cooper looked a tiny bit mad.

'Alright do you want to see the inside to our humble abode madam?' Ted said as he gestured for me to enter. I walked in a giggled as he gave a sly smirk.

'Anywayyy Y/N, can I give you a tour?' Cooper asked just barely smiling.

'Yea sure I'd love that.' I said warmly which caused a smile to spread across Coopers face.


I know its probably to soon but raccooneggs fanfic anyone?

(I will countinue this one)

Cscoop x reader💘Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz