The Beginning

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Bonjour y'all, this is gonna be a short first chapter. This book will be pretty fuckin long tho, if I do this correctly. Let's just hope I stay motivated. The quarantine has given me nothing better to do, so I'm rewriting my characters from my dead story, Awkward. Don't worry, well get into the post-biblical times soon enough.

We start here. At the beginning. Are you really surprised though?

The Beginning was dark. Then there was a bright light, and Lucifer was there. The eldest of the angels. Large golden wings, and atop his head was a brightly glowing halo. Then, there one you've probably never heard of. A special angel named Valciel. Large black wings, his halo shining a bit less than Lucifer's. The rest of the angels came next, but they're not important to this story.

Valciel and Lucifer instantly became best friends, closer than brothers. Fast forward about 5 years later, another angel was born. Zadkiel. Small pastel purple wings, his halo wasn't shining, but he was younger, so it made sense. He was innocent. Pure. He never talked to anyone other than the Father. Lucifer dragged the small angel into the previously two-man gang. They were the trio, all of them inseparable from the other. 1000's of years went by, no one questioned the Father. He was the only leader they knew. Until the creation of man. "An upgraded ape with anxiety" as Lucifer called it. The Father gave man freewill, a word Lucifer had never heard before. Lucifer went to talk to the Father about this, and he was never seen again. Valciel wept for years, Zadkiel comforting his friend.

After many years, all the angels had forgotten about Lucifer, except Valciel. Even Zadkiel forgot. Valciel went to the Father, attempting to find his long lost brother. He entered his Fathers throne room, bowing once he got to the foot of the throne. He looked up to the Father, his white eyes shining, tears starting to form. "What is it my child?" Father asked in a soft motherly tone.

"Father," Valciel wept out, "Father, where has my brother gone?" Bright white tears flowed down his dark cheeks.

The Father looked confused, "My son, Zadkiel is in his home. Don't you already know this?" Valciel's eyes slimmed, a glare firm on his face.

"NO! My brother. Not my friend. Where is Lucifer?!" Valciel yelled, hot tears still streaming down his face.
The Father gasped, for someone had remember the forgotten, banished angel. "I WEPT FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS. I have forgotten not his looks, nor color, nor scent. Where is my brother?!" Valciel demanded.

The Father froze, taken aback by what the Valciel said. He leaned forward, kissing Valciel on the forehead, and grabbed him by his halo, pulling him up to the Father’s face, and he spoke in a demeaning tone, “You shall never know what happened to Lucifer. You will never know. You have nothing compared to me. You speak to me like that again, and you are gone. Forget, and never remember.” And that’s what Valciel did. He forgot, and never remembered.

He didn’t remember until years later another angel was born. Her name being Lucy. She was small, tinier than Zadkiel, the smallest angel known to date. Small, soft yellow wings, and an even smaller halo. Valciel looked upon the small angel, smiling. He asked her name, and memories came flooding back. Luci, Luci, Luci, Luci. For that, was Valciel‘s nickname for his brother. Luci and Val against the world. Valciel had remembered, and the Father knew by the look on Valciel’s face.

545 words (minus a/n)

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