A New Beginning

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Yo, the song at the top is referenced further in this chapter, and I really recommend it. It's super calming :)

I woke up feeling as if I hadn't slept in years. I opened my eyes a bit, and I saw a worried person with big, round, purple glasses staring at me three inches from my face. I yell, jumping back. "WHAT THE HELL?!"

The person fell backwards, "I-Im sorry! I was just worried that you wouldn't wake up..." Another, tall, dark haired person ran into the room, followed by a short, golden brown haired person. The tall one helped the first person up off the ground, while the short one talked to me. "Hey. Im Elliot." he smiled, "The tall one with the dark hair is Maxx, and the one with the purple glasses is Arin."

I looked at the two behind Elliot, examining them a bit more.

Maxx was tall, around 6'5 to 7'0. He had dark, carmel skin, and dark chocolate hair. He had a button-up shirt, and black dress pants. He looked angry, and from what I could see, he was pretty muscular.

Arin was also tall, looking to be around 6'0 to 6'5. They didn't look male or female. They had a lighter skin tone, and desaturated wine red hair. They were wearing a white tee, and some ripped jeans.

They looked worried, as they turned to whisper something into Maxx's ear.

And lastly, Elliot was short on the other hand. Maybe 5'10, at most. He had a peachy skin tone, and wore a black, off-the-shoulder dress, and pink knee high socks. He smiled, despite looking just as worried as Arin. He had a cuter aesthetic compared to the others.

Elliot tilted his head, confused as to why I was looking at the three for as long as I did. I just smiled. "What's your name?" He asked.

My name is...

My name...

What is my name?

"I... I don't know.'' I looked down at my lap. There was a blanket there, and I realized there was also a faux leather jacket over my shoulders.

I started to tear up, not remembering anything that had happened. "W-Where am I?" I asked softly, looking up at Elliot through teary eyes.

Elliot explained that we were in some place called England. He got more specific,but I stopped listening. I looked down again, and suddenly a memory flashed into place.

A beautiful woman with long black hair and fair skin was in front of me, and she was crying. She said something, but I couldn't hear her. Then there was a flash of light from the sky, and she was gone.

I didn't know who she was, but she was familiar enough to my mind to make me burst into tears.

Arin was beside me in an instant, rubbing my back, and letting me cry into their shoulder. Elliot was wiping my tears as Maxx went into another room, and came back with a glass of water. He set it on a small table beside the couch I was sitting on. He then sat on the other side of me, and just stayed quiet.

"Why are you crying, love?" Elliot asked softly, still trying his best to wipe my tears.

I looked into his eyes, "She's dead." I Started to feel my hands shaking, and I tried my best to stop, but I just couldn't. It felt like my stomach was turning, and knotting, and my face burned.

Arin grabbed a thin shiny black brick from their pocket, and a string with blobs on the end.

"These-" They held up the string, "are called earbuds. They connect to this-" They hold up the pocket brick, "and they play music. That usually helps me with anxiety," I didn't know what that word meant, but i just listened to Arin, because they seemed to know what they were talking about. "Do you know any songs?" Arin asked as they started to connect the 'earbuds', to the pocket brick.

"W-Well, i don't really remember m-many 'songs', b-b-but there is a violin sonata called 'The Devil's Trill." I smiled, rubbing my hands together in an attempt to calm myself down.

Arin looked at me weird for a second, but then handed me the "earbuds", and told me to put them in my ears. I did as i was told, hands still shaking, and after a few seconds, The Devil's Trill started playing.

I calmed down almost instantly. The other three saw this, and they got up off the couch. The tall two walked away, into a room, presumably the kitchen. Elliot grabbed the still full glass of water, and handed it to me. Then he too walked into the maybe-kitchen.

I sat there, just slowly drinking the water that Maxx got me. Then I started to hear yelling over the sonata. I took out an "earbud", and started listening. They were yelling about me.

"He can't stay here! This apartment is just big enough for us, adding in another person wouldn't be smart." That sounded like Maxx. I got up to go investigate. I threw on the blanket like a toga, pulled out the "earbuds", and walked towards the fighting.

"Well we can't just kick him out!" Arin yelled.

"Please calm down, both of you. Our neighbors are sleeping, and I bet the kid can probably hear you two dumbasses arguing." Elliot tried to relax the two taller ones. "He's staying until we find his parents, or he remembers who the hell he is."

I could tell that Maxx wasn't happy with that decision, but he reluctantly agreed. "You're right. We can't just kick him out. Im sorry, i just-" he was cut off by Elliot hugging his waist, and Arin kissing his cheek.

"It's fine babes." Arin smiled, "Now let's go talk to the kid, and hopefully get a name. Calling him kid is getting weird."

They turned around, and saw me. Elliot jumped a bit. "O-Oh. Hey love." Elliot looked towards me, a calm look on his face.

"Aoi." I said, looking at them. "I... I think my name was Aoi." I smiled.

1003 words.

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