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"RO!" Remus yelled from the door. The light sides came rushing over in a panic. "Ree? What's wrong?" Patton asked. Remus moved the bundle of clothing to reveal the now small Deceit. "Aww! He's so small!"

Patt picked up the baby from Remus' arms and took it to the couch with everyone fallowing behind. "So, what happened?" Virgil asked looking at the baby. "Well, we were coming back from the imagination and he rolled down the hill into a lake and...next thing you know he's like this."

Roman's face went pale. "He fell in the- oh boy..." Everyone looked at Roman in worry. "What happened?" Patton said now using his dad voice. "Heh...so a long time ago I made a river of memories, that river flowed around from different places and they all have different memories...looks like deceit fell into the one with all of Thomas' childhood memories." Everyone looked at one another in confusion.

"Okay? So how do we reverse it?" Virgil chimed in. "We first we would need to order a potion from the village witch but she's on vacation but I think her kid should still be working the shop." Logan stood up and started separating the sides into groups.

"Obviously none of us can look after a child by our selves so I'm assigning groups to take care of certain tasks until we can figure this out." Logan pointed at each side as they were being given a task. "Virgil and I stay up rather late so we will be on night duty, Patton will be the main care taker during the day, and Roman and Remus will go to the shop and get the potion."

Everyone nodded and were off to do their tasks.


293 words
Boom baby! (No pun intended)

Chapter 2 is done.
3 will be out real soon.

Baby Deceit Where stories live. Discover now