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"Oh god" was all I could say to myself. It is the day of the wedding and it feels like the show Married at first sight! I still haven't even meet the dude! What if his a butthole or a whole new level of mean.

I was currently waiting for the little private ceremony to start and I've never been so nervous in my life. Never have I ever thought I would be marrying someone at the age of 23!

"Elsa it's time" My eyes shifted from the mirror to my smiling dad. "You look so beautiful Elsa"  He wiped a wear from his face.

"Thank you dad" I stood up and gave him a big hug. I pulled away and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Let do this" I smiled and linked my arm with his. After a few minutes of trying to get organized it was finally time for the bridesmaids to walk down which was Rapunzle, Merida and Anna.

My heart began to beat faster when it was my turn to walk. This is so crazy.

I kept my head down the whole walk trying my hardest not to fall. We reached the end safely. I quickly hugged my dad and gave him one more kiss on the cheek before stepping into my place. I felt my soon to be partners stair burning into my skin yet I refused to look at him because I was to never. But then curiosity took over me and I finally took a quick glance. Oh.my. Good. I'm marrying Jack Frost.

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