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*At the wedding*

"Do you, Elsa Winters take Jackson Overland Frost to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The man spoke loud and clear for everyone to hear. I looked around still in shock and still trying to procices who i'm about to be married to. 

I glanced over at Jack who looked a bit impatient at the fact I still haven't said my answer. I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding and let my words flow out of my mouth.

'I-uh I do." I smiled at the man who smiled back with a small nod then turned to Jack before speaking loud once more.

"Do you Jackson Overland Frost take Elsa Winters to be your lawfully wedded wife?" I glanced over at Jack who put a serious face before simply saying the words " I do." 

"Well then I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." He yelled, raising his hands in happiness. 

My heart begin to quicken, while my hands got sweaty. I turned to Jack who stepped closer and leaned in quickly kissing the side of my mouth on purpose. 

*After the wedding*

"Have fun at your honeymoon elsa! Don't forget to call us!" Anna pulled me into a long tight hug as punzie and merida tag along. 

"Alright girlies I love you all so much but I got to go!" I pulled back with a smile before running off into the limo before stopping at the door, turning around waving one last time at all the people who attended and the reporters who showed up. I stepped into the limo and shut the door. My smile soon faded when I realized I am now left alone with the one and only Jack Frost who is my ideal therefore I do not want to make a full of myself on saying something dumb.

I glanced up at Jack who was  staring down at his phone for also taking a glance at me. He pressed his lips together before turning of his phone and looked at me with his eyebrow raised. 

"So Elsa, Elsa right?" He stared at me for awhile and then I finally realized he was waiting for my response.

"oh-uh yes Elsa, Elsa Marie winters" I stuttered. "well technically it's Elsa Marie Frost for the next six months" I smiled at the thought that i'm actually married to my ideal!

He pressed his lips together once more and just nodded before looking out the window. oh great I had to mess it up.

"Anyways where are we going for this so called 'honeymoon'?" I took one more glance before looking down at my hands.

" We are gonna go to hawaii and try to go to the most populated area so people can take pictures of us and then yeah that's pretty much." Jack glanced up at me one last time fore focusing back on his phone. HAWAII! 

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