"M... Marinette...?"

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*a new villain appeared*
Ladybug: *calls ChatNoir by the phone* C’mon, Chat-
ChatNoir: Looking for me, m’lady?
Ladybug: Woah! Chat! Don’t do that!
ChatNoir: Alright, sorry, m’lady. So, what’s our plan?
Ladybug: First, we have to know his power, and then we’ll figure out the plan.
ChatNoir: Alright! Let’s go!

*the villain was taking the power (energy) of everything*
ChatNoir: There he is!
Ladybug: Get ready! He’s taking the energy of everything, and that’s what makes him powerful!
ChatNoir: What do we do?
Ladybug: Hm… It’ll be too hard to get rid of all cars and machines, but it won’t be too hard to let him follow us away from the town!
ChatNoir: Yeah! And since HawkMoth needs our miraculouses, he’ll definitely make the victim follow us! Brilliant, m’lady!
Ladybug: Alright! Let’s go!

*the villain saw them*
HawkMoth: *mask* Ladybug and ChatNoir are out! Capture them and bring me their miraculouses!
*the villain started to shoot into Ladybug and ChatNoir with energy he gains*
*Ladybug and ChatNoir were on a roof*
ChatNoir: It works, m’lady!
Ladybug: Time for phase “B”! Lucky charm! *she’s got the lucky charm* *the villain shoot into Ladybug’s earring*AAAHH!
ChatNoir: LADYBUG!
*she’s got on the edge of a roof*
Ladybug: *falls*
ChatNoir: LADYBUG! *catches her*
Ladybug: *beep beep beep* *de-transforms* WHAT!?
ChatNoir: HUH!?        M… Marinette…?
*they got on the ground*
ChatNoir: You’re safe now. Marinette?
Marinette: *tears appear* I’m sorry, ChatNoir! *runs away crying*
ChatNoir: Marinette! *to the villain* You’ll pay for this! CATACLYSM! *destroys the object akuma was in* What’ve I done! I won’t be able to catch the akuma!
Ladybug: *catches the akuma* Miraculous Ladybug. *throws the Lucky charm*
ChatNoir: Ladybug!
Ladybug: *looks at him with tears* *runs away crying*
ChatNoir: WAIT! *beep beep* I have to go. *gets out*

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