Chapter Nine

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June 18th

Jonah's POV

I woke up and realized we were leaving for tour in about eight hours. I went into Esther's room and she wasn't in there. I heard babbling from the kitchen and went out there. "Dada! Dada!" Sutton walked over to me and I picked her up, putting her on my hip. "Hi, princess. You're so pretty." I kissed her forehead. She giggled before she laid her head on my shoulder.

Esther looked over at us. "Do you want me to finish packing her stuff? Or do you want to?" I moved Sutton to my other side. "It doesn't matter to me. If you want to, you can. Are you completely ready?" She nodded. "Except for showering. I was waiting for you to get up." I nodded as I took a drink of my coffee. "Why don't you go shower and I'll spend some time with princess here, then I'll finish packing her stuff after." Esther smiled before she nodded and kissed my cheek. "Sounds good."

Esther's POV

I showered and got dressed before I walked back to the kitchen. "You're so beautiful. Just like Mama. So pretty." I heard Jonah say softly. I peeked around the corner to see him gently rocking a sleeping Sutton. He kissed her head and rubbed her cheek. I turned around and walked into Sutton's nursery. I knew what Jonah wanted to pack for her, so I finished packing for him. About two hours later, I finished packing Sutton's stuff and did some laundry to help Jonah. I walked out to the living room and Jonah was asleep with Sutton on his chest asleep.

I went over there and gently rubbed his arm. "Hey, bubba. You gotta wake up." By this point, Sutton was awake. I picked her up and she kissed my cheek. "I don't wanna." Jonah mumbled sleepily. "I know. But you have to finish packing for tour. Come on." I pat his chest before I turned on my heel and went to find a snack for Sutton. "When did you turn into Mom?" Jonah questioned as he chuckled.

Jonah's POV

We met up with the boys and hung out with them for a while before getting on the tour bus. Corbyn and Daniel were talking about how excited they were, Zach and Jack were doing God knows what, and Eben was watching YouTube. I looked over and Sutton was asleep on Esther's chest. Esther was dozing off until she fell asleep too. I smiled and took a photo before sending it to my mom. I went over there and gently got Sutton out of my sister's arms. I covered Esther with a blanket before I told the guys goodnight. I kissed Esther's forehead and walked back to our bunks. I looked at the sleeping toddler in my arms. "Goodnight, princess." I laid on my side with Sutton in between me and the wall. I had lined the wall with pillows. I kissed her head before falling asleep myself.

(So, hey guys! The next chapter is going to be the release of songs 6-12 of the /12 songs. They'll each have like a paragraph. Enjoy. It may get confusing. I'm sorry if it does.)

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