Chapter 14

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Jonah's POV

I woke up to Sutton crying. I got out of bed and went over to her crib. I looked in her crib and saw vomit. I sighed softly and picked her up. My poor baby. "Hey, hey, hey. Shh, princess. Daddy's right here." I pressed the back of my hand to her forehead. "Oh God, babygirl. You're burning up." I got her calmed down before I took her in the bathroom and took her onesie off.

I set her in the tub and turned the water on low. I washed her off before grabbing a fluffy towel and drying her off. I left her in just a diaper and laid her on her mat in the floor while I took her sheets off. Once I got the sheets and onesie in the washer, I got her dressed and drove to the doctor. I signed in and we waited. I turned on Paw Patrol on my phone and Sutton laid against my chest and sucked her thumb while watching it.

"Mr. Frantzich?" A nurse called into the waiting room. I locked my phone and stuck it in my pocket as I walked back with her. "Okay, the doctor will be here in a few minutes." I nodded and thanked her. Sutton whimpered and cuddled into me. "I know, princess. I know." I kissed her head softly. The doctor came in. "Hey, Jonah." She shook my hand. See, we know this doctor really well.

She's actually the doctor who delivered Sutton. "She's getting so big. Hi, Sutton!" She waved at Sutton who just laid against me. I told her that she threw up and had a fever. Her doctor nodded. "Her eyes are definitely glazed over." She checked Sutton out and said she had a stomach bug. She gave me a prescription before I thanked her and we left. 

{Is this a super short chapter? Yes, yes it is. Did I have Writer's Block? Yes. Am I proud of this chapter? Not really. Oh well. What are you gonna do?}

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