Chapter 18

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Jonah's POV

I woke up to Nula licking Sutton's cheek. She was just giggling and giggling. I smiled and recorded it on my story. Then we went downstairs to eat. I sat Rylie on the counter while I heated up some Mickey Mouse pancakes. "What do you say we go to the mall, huh, princess?" She nodded. I smiled and got us both dressed. While we were at Starbucks, I was scrolling through Instagram, liking a couple fan edits and reading a couple Dms. After a bit, I got a FaceTime call from Zach.

Zach: Yo!
Me: Hey, what's up?
Zach: What time are you coming in to record today?
Me: Uh, I'm not. Nobody told me I was supposed to record today.
Zach: Oh. Where are you?
Me: Currently, inside Starbucks.
Zach: Oh. And you obviously have Sutton with ya, huh?
Me: Hey, say hi to Zachie.
Sutton: ZACHIE! *Blows kisses*
Zach: Hi, gorgeous! I love you. *Blows kisses back*
Me: Listen, I wasn't told I was supposed to record today. I'm having a day off. I tell you what. Ask if I can come in tomorrow and record. Alright?
Zach: Okay. Corbyn wants to say hi.
Corbyn: What up?
Sutton: Corby! Yay!
Corbyn: Hey, angel! Whatcha doing today?
Sutton: *holds up a Birthday Cake Cake Pop.*
Corbyn: Did you get Starbucks with Daddy? Like father, like daughter.

I chuckled as Zach came walking back into frame. He said I could just record tomorrow. We figured out a time before I hung up. Sutton and I finished our Starbucks before I put her on my shoulders. "Where to first, baby girl?" She pointed at Build A Bear and squealed. "As you wish, princess." I let her get off my shoulders and told her to pick whatever animal she wanted. She picked a purple bunny with stars on the feet. We did the whole fill-with-stuffing, make-a-wish, give-it-a-bath thing before we went to pick out an outfit. Sutton picked out a fluffy princess dress and tiara for her bunny.

We paid and then headed to Carter's. Once we finished shopping there, she was getting tired, so I decided to go home. We were at a red light and I looked in the backseat to see Sutton asleep and cuddling the bunny. I smiled and waited for the light to turn green. We got home and I took Sutton inside, not worrying about the Carter's bags. I'll get those tomorrow. She was laying next to me and I was scrolling through Instagram for a bit before I went to bed. 

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