Chapter 3

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Bella pov

When I got to Sam's room I went inside and I saw he was lying on his bed but hi looked so hot and strong which means he's close to phasing so I shouted Jacob, Jared get up here and so just like that Jacob and Jared was beside me and Sam looked at me and said what Bella what is it and I said Sam I need you to get outside please right now and Sam said what no way.

So I said either you go out by yourself or Jacob and Jared will bring you out and then just like that Sam was off the bed and ran downstairs and out the front door and so me, Jacob and Jared followed him while Paul, Embry and Quil played with my sweetheart and once we got outside I could see Sam shaking.

Then I said as I walked over to him Sam something is going to happen to you in a minute but I need you to be strong and to stay calm have you got that and then Sam said yes Bella and I said ok good and then next minute all I heard was ripping of clothes and then I looked at Sam and I saw that it wasn't Sam it was a black wolf but not as black as I was and I could tell Sam was panicking so I said Jacob, Jared phase now and try to calm him down.

So then both Jacob and Jared nodded there heads and phased into their wolves and I went behind a tree and I stripped all of my clothes off and I phased into my big black wolf and then I came from behind the tree and I walked over to Jacob and Jared and Sam and I heard in my head since that how us wolves talk to each other

What the hell is going on - Sam

Well Sam I know this is very confusing but you are a werewolf - me

A werewolf but how - Sam

Well my guess is that either mom was one or dad was - me

Ok so how does this work Bella - Sam

Ok well we are a pack so far there is me, Jacob, Jared, Paul, Embry, Quil and now you and we protect the land from vampires and Sam I'm the pack alpha - me

The pack alpha you really I never thought that you would be anything like that so how does the alpha work - Sam

It works in a way that if I need something done or if you disobey my order that I can kinda use my alpha command over you and make you do it - me

Oh right so what happens now - Sam

Well now we train you and prepare you for the werewolf life and get you ready for your patrolling around the land - me

Oh ok um Bella what's patrolling - Sam

Patrolling is like when you walk or run around the land in your wolf form to keep vampires off of our lands - Jared

Oh ok is there anything else - Sam

Yeah there is Sam once you are trained and ready I'm stepping down from alpha and passing it over to you it always was meant to go to the boy in the family - me

No Bella you can't give me the alpha you enjoy being alpha right so keep it - Sam

Yes I do enjoy it Sam but I'm thinking of Sophia here I mean because of me doing alpha and going to work and looking after the pack all the time I'm not spending enough time with her - me

Ok fine I get that bit so of course I'll take over you as alpha so how do I phase back - Sam

Ok thank you now all you need to do to phase back is think calm and happy thoughts - me

Ok thanks Bella I'll do that - Sam

Then once we told Sam how to phase back me, Jacob and Jared all went behind trees and phased back to our human forms and once we phased back we got dressed yet again and we walked out to see Sam standing there shocked because he was naked and so I laughed and said oh yeah I forgot about that and Sam said Bella this is not funny do you know how embarrassing it is to be seen by your sister naked.

So I said no but I'm sure it's not cool and then I shouted into the house Paul bring Sam shorts please and Sam said sure Bella and ran outside and gave Sam a pair of shorts and Sam put them on and said thank you and then I said ok so now Sam you can't tell Sophia or anyone about being a wolf ok and Sam said ok I promise and I said ok good now Jared and Paul you both should go phase and start patrolling please and both Jared.

Then Paul said ok Bella and ran into the woods and phased and took off running in there wolf forms and then I looked at Jacob and Sam ok so let's go back inside and play with Sophia and so the 3 of us all ran inside my house and we played with Sophia until it was her bedtime and when it was I put her to bed and then me and the guys hung out more and then I sent them all home and when they went home me and Sam went to bed and went to sleep.

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