Chapter 6

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My bubble popped and both me and.... Henry Hart, sorry I still can't believe it, were left standing there gaping at each other.

Ray laughed nervously. "Henry Hart meet Cassandra Miller and vice versa of course."

Henry shook off his shock first. "Cassandra? No way." He paused. "You never struck me as a superhero, crime-fighting kind of person."

I looked at him. He looked away. "I've always put everyone else first, you know that."

Henry drew his breath in. Ray looked at us, obviously confused. "You guys knew each other before?"

"Yes, man." Henry said. "It didn't end well."

Now it was my turn. "We used to be friends but he decided that I wasn't good enough for him."

"Cassandra it wasn't like that. I just- You know what nevermind." Henry looked away.

Ray frowned. "I get that Henry can be a bit full of himself sometimes-" Henry pulled a face at him. "But he means well."

"Well we're not friends now and I don't think we intend to be." I said.

Henry nodded. "Things are not good."

"Then you need to talk it out." Ray looked between us.

Me and Henry didn't look at each other. "Ray I don't think it's a good idea but I need to tell you something."

"Ok sure," Ray said whilst Henry's stare bored into me.

"I've been training with Mr Reeth, before he kidnapped me, and my fighting skills have improved so I was wondering if I could go on an emergency call with you... and Henry if he wants to come?" I spoke.

Henry looked up with the slightest twitch of a smile in my direction before I caught his eye and it disappeared again. 

"Well fine okay." He sighed. "If Henry is ok with it." 

My heart sank. He would never want me to come with them.

"Sure. I want to see her in action." He spoke and looked down at his feet. I smiled to myself slightly. Maybe things wouldn't be so bad. 

The man-computer rang out.

"Emergency call!" Said Charlotte. 

My heart jumped. I'd been waiting for this forever.

"The mysterious aircraft that's been bugging us lately has landed at the airport illegally, we need to go straight away." Said Henry grabbing his gum tube.

Ray looked at me. "Cmon Cass." 

I smiled widely and we all chewed at the same time. Our bubbles popped and there we all were. 

Captain Man, Kid Danger and Miss Danger.

"Let's go guys." Said Ray and then he stopped. "I forgot I only have two tubes."

"Oh!" I said. "You guys go first, I'll follow up." 

They ran over and went up and I followed. "Bye guys!" I said as Charlotte, Jasper and Schowz waved to me."


A couple minutes later, we arrived at the airport. Crouching down behind some boxes Ray whispered to us. "Ok, the door has opened looks like someone is about to come out too so keep watching kids."

I peeped around the boxes and saw Mr Reeth coming out of the vehicle. "It's Mr Reeth!" I hissed.

"What?" Kid Danger's voice came from behind and I felt him shift towards me. I felt his warm breath on the back of my neck so I moved slightly. His arm brushed mine and then he fell forward landing on top of me. 

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