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- Griffin was actually the main antagonist of an old Varian X OC story I had made about a year ago (he was also a MUCH bigger jerk in that story)

- Besides Rosalinde, Rose could've had the name Eleanor or Stephanie

- Kenny was made last second

- I had asked my mom for different names for Kenny-- and she gave me a bunch-- but in the end I used one she hadn't given me

- I've gotten into Griffin's character a bit more, and now kind of regret killing him

- Rose's birthday is just ten days ahead of mine

- I actually write all of my stories on Google Docs, then copy and paste it on Wattpad

- Before I started posting my stories on Wattpad, I didnt think it would be important to give them names. So on Google Docs, they're literally called Rosalinde and Rosalinde-Sequel (and my one-shot book is now called Yeeeeeee)

- My goal was to have each chapter at about 1000 words... but one is as low as 700 words

- Rose's last name was made last second... but I like it

- The title Sight was made on a whim. I was like, "Aw crap, its needs a title... Rose has glasses... how about Sight?"

- In Rose's trivia in Sight, it says that she can sing fairly well, but hates singing in front of people. This is actually based off of me... but I don't know if I actually sing good...

- Since writing about Rose using a bow, I've become more interested in learning how to shoot a bow and arrow

- Blinded is probably the first book I've actually thought all the way ahead for. I usually make up things as I go

I made add more things if I think of them. But for now, enjoy these few fun facts.


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