Chapter 2

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And Even though I just published this book I really Appreciate those who take the time out to read it. ( even though I only got 15 reads lml.) I'm still thankful :)

Justin walked into school the next day and starting putting in the combination for his locker. He opened it and a paper fell out fluttering to the floor.

-Destiny ❤

Justin smirked at the thought of Destiny. Now he knew why she asked for his locker number. She wanted to be slick.

He was thinking about her all night. He couldn't get her Beautiful face out of his head. He wanted to get to know her more. It's funny because he never saw her in any of his classes. It's been 3 months since school started and he didn't see her until yesterday.

Justin heard someone slamming their locker really hard. He closed his locker to see Jada facing her locker with a mean look on her face. Was she still mad about yesterday?

"Hey baby girl." Justin said.

"Leave me alone."

Jada closed her locker and tried to walk away before Justin quickly grabbed her into a tight bear hug.

"Justin let go of me!" Jada screamed. But he didn't let go.

"Not until you put a smile on your face and stop being petty."

Jada did a big dramatic sigh. "Okay Justin."

He let go and kissed her on the cheek.

"Good girl."

"Whatever."she said with a smirk, trying her beat not to smile.

"Hmmmm Okay. Just stop being mad at me. I'm sorry." Justin said as he picked up her bag and gave it to her.

"I wasn't mad. Just.. Upset."

Hakim through the doors and walked right past them. He didn't really see them. He stopped and walked backwards to now stop in front of them.

"You know sometimes people would think you two were a couple."

"Jealous?" Justin asked.

Jada's mood instantly changed when she saw Hakim. She immediately started to walk away.

"You know you have a bad reputation for walking away sometimes. That's your fucking problem." Hakim said loud enough so she could hear him from down the hall.

Jada continued to walk. She didn't care for him at this moment. Now, he was just being an asshole.

"That was mad unnecessary bruh." Justin commented as him and Hakim started to walk to class.

"So now you on her side? You know what, I can't deal with y'all two. Y'all go fuck in the corner or sumtn' cause y'all really act like y'all cuffed."

At this point, Hakim was livid. He couldn't believe his bro just now. He honestly thought that him and Jada has something going on. The kissing on the cheek and stuff was normal. Ever since they were all kids they all treated each other like that, but now he felt as if it was something different.

"Yo chill. Jada my best friend. OUR best friend. You know that so don't act like that. And why the fuck do you care who Jada with anyway?"

Hakim didn't answer the question. He just continued to mean mug Justin.

Justin realized what was going on.
"You love her? Aaahhhhhhh." He started lightly punching Hakim all over his upper body.

"Duhhh nigga ! Thats sis right there." Hakim said still not looking up at Justin.

"No. There's a difference between loving somebody and being in love with somebody. So what are you?"

"Thesecondone." Hakim said really quickly before dipping into the classroom. Leaving Justin just standing there in the hallway.

The bell then rang and Justin realized he was late for class. He ran down to the halls towards the chemistry lab knowing that he would have detention later on. Shit.


At lunch, Hakim sat with his squad. Members included his close friends Trey, Shawn, Pookie, and Chris. He always kept his circle small. He don't fuck with nobody else but them. He doesn't call them his best friends, just ride or die niggas. Only Justin he jacks as his bro.

"Yo Hakim, fix your face." Pookie said.

He noticed Hakim's head was down for the entire lunch period and he was playing around with his food. And Hakim rarely does that because he loves to eat.

"Stop stating at me nigga. You fruity or sumtn' ?" Hakim snapped back.

Everyone at the table shared a laugh through the fact Hakim was basically calling Pookie gay.

"Nah I think he caught feelings." Trey commented.

That drew everybody's attention. Everybody in the squad new that Hakim Thompson would never catch feelings. He was always a player and taught them how the player game works. Hakim had fucked so many bitches that he lost count himself.

"I ain't catch no damn feelings. Fuck you mean."

"Is it Jada?" Shawn asked.

"Yo Jada fine ass! Man, I wish I could smash that!" Chris said in amazement.

Hakim slammed his hands on the table and stood up. "Yo you watch your fucking mouth!" At this point he was screaming.

Everyone at the table stopped all their smiles and giggles and knew Hakim was not playing. They weren't afraid of him, but didn't want to get on his bad side either.

Hakim just got his stuff and left. He needed to find Jada now.


"Come on! Just talk to me." Hakim loudly whispered.

He had Jada against the lockers with his hands over her shoulders. Making them in a position she knew she couldn't get out of.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't really thinking."

Jada still didn't say anything. Not even making eye contact with Hakim.

He got more frustrated and he just snapped.

"How could you forgive Justin so easily and not me?!?!"

"Because I'm in love with you and you don't seem to realize!" Jada screamed as tears started to stray down her cheeks.

She pushed Hakim off of her and ran into her classroom. Leaving Hakim just standing there trying to figure out what the fuck he just heard.

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