Chapter Two

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"Everyone in formation!!" The Chief yelled to everyone, one by one they all gathered in a line in front of the fire. The chief signalled them to go. All at once they turned on their fire extinguishers and moved up in the line. Slowly, but surely parts of the fire started to extinguish.

Liam was going too fast and in doing so, the fire surrounded him. Trying to put out the fire around him he struggled, he used everything in his fire extinguisher.

Liam crawled along the ground to get out of the fire and to not inhale any of the smoke. He started coughing uncontrollably, from inhaling to much smoke. He couldn't hear anything around him, he looked around slowly as his vision started to blur. In the blurriest of the world he could see a tall figure in a hoodie with a mask on. Liam reached up to get their attention. He felt the figure slowly slid their hand down his arm to his face. The figure rubbed Liam's cheek, that was the last thing Liam felt and saw, before everything went black.

The figure grabbed the unconscious Liam by his hands, then lifted him up. The figure wrapped Liam's arms around their head, then made is way out of the fire.


The figure set Liam down in an alleyway near where the fire was. The figure grabbed Liam's phone out of his pocket. The figure then put their number in Liam's contacts. They placed Liam's phone on his lap, then slowly slid a finger down Liam's lips, with an seductive hum. Then, as fast as the figure came, they left.


About half an hour past until Liam woke up. Coughing out all the smoke he had inhale, while stuck in the fire. Liam looked down to see his phone was open, 'that's what I get for not having a password' Liam thought to himself. He opened up his phone tabs, to see his contacts open. Curious, he looks at his contacts to see a new one, one he never put in his phone. Contact name reading 'Your Saviour' and in brackets '(Your welcome, Liam)'. His heart dropped to the site of this.


Liam's prospective activating:
Liam's prospective activated:

"I'm so glad your okay!" Dante yelled giving me one of his bro hugs. He was offensively relieved that I made it out alive. While, Dante ranted on about him being worried about me, the chief approached us.

"You shouldn't have done that, Kingler." The chief said to me in a stern voice, folding his arms.

"I'm sorry Chief, won't happen again." I said rubbing my hands through my hair. As the chief walked away, all I could think about was that figure.

'Who were they?'
'Did they save me?'
'Did they leave their number in my contacts?'
'Did they start the fire?'
'How did they know my name?'

Stockholm SyndromeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang