Chapter 3

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It's been three months since the accident. I have recovered physically, but not so much mentally. I still haven't yet texted that number that had been put in my phone that day.  I have been contemplating it for the last three months, but now I think I'm ready. Today is the day I will text that number and I will see who really saved me. Let's just hope I don't regret this in the end.


It is my weekend off and I'm laying lazily on the couch, waiting for the right time to text the number. Now is the right time, I slowly pull out my phone from my pocket as I prepare myself for the events that are about to happen. I unlock my phone with my finger, because I had Installed a lock on my phone after what happened. I take my time to click on messenger and when I do I go into my contacts. I open the contact that say 'your saviour'.

Calm down Liam, it will be okay.

I go to type a message, but then quickly delete it after. I don't know what to write, what am I meant to write in this situation?! That's when I got a message from the number.

Unknown: 'You should really be thanking me for saving you life.'

It's like they were reading my mind, it's like they knew I was having trouble trying to figure out what to say. Okay, okay. Calm Liam, they sent you the first text all you have to do it replay.

Me: 'Sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, but thank you.'

Unknown: 'It's okay, I mean. How can I stay mad at a cutie like you?~'

I don't know why, but that reply sent shivers down my spine. I know they had seen me when they saved me but why did that creep me out so much?

Unknown: 'It's okay, Liam. I'm not going to harm you.'

Me: "How do you know my name?!'

Unknown: 'It was in your phone and on your uniform.'

Me: 'Oh, sorry. Well, who are you?'

Unknown: 'You don't need to know that for now, but you can call me S.K for now.'

S.K? What kind of name is that? And why do they sound so off?

S.K: 'Sorry, if I respond weird or slow. I'm kind of on a "job", right now.'

Me: 'It's fine.'

S.K: 'Talk to you later, okay?'

Me: 'Yeah, goodbye.'

S.K: 'Bye~'

Well, that went pretty well. It went better than I expected at least. I shouldn't really trust this person tho, I don't know who they are.


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Kacy's (Liam's girlfriends) point of view.

*2 1/2 months later*
Yay, I get to see Liam again today for the first time in awhile. He's been so busy with work recently that he hasn't had time for a girlfriend. As I walk down the street to make my way to Liam's house, I hear footsteps following behind me. Being a good girl I decide to ignore them and keep going on my way. As they start to get louder, closer, and faster, my heart pounds. I keep walking trying my best to keep my heart rate down. As I walk I try to look in windows and mirrors to see what's behind me. It's a tall man in a black Hoody and a mask. Maybe he wants to rob me? or maybe he wants to kill me?!! I don't know, but it's really worrying me.

Being a police officer myself I always keep a taser and pepper spray in my bag. There's always the chance that this thing is not human I have dealt with things like that before, so I try to stay as calm as possible. I try my best to take a twisty rout to slow them down, before I actually go to Liam's house. That's what I heard them suddenly stop. I turned around to see the figure running in the opposite direction to where Liam's house was.

How do they know where he lives?! I chase after them, but they seem to be way faster than me. When I finally get to Liam's house, I bang very loudly on the door. I wait, then suddenly the door opens up and I see a tired Liam rubbing his eyes.


Liam's point of view activated.


So I went upstairs to get changed, but I accidentally ended up falling asleep on my bed. I was woken up to the sound of knocking on my door.

I slowly slumped my way down the stairs and to the door. I open it up to see a man in a black hoodie wearing a mask.

"Who are you?" I ask rubbing my eyes to see this person clearly.

"Awwww, Does the little fire fighter not remember what his saviour looks like?" The man slightly tilts his head, then holds out his hand. "I'm S.K, nice to finally meet you."

"Wait, that was today?!" I quickly clock my head to the calendar to see that it is the Nov 18th, the day I was meant to meet S.K.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't realise what day it was." I say worried for what he'll think.

"It's fine Liam, I understand.." S.K says grabbing my hand and wrapping his hand around it.

"Well, why don't you come in? Your probably hungry or something." I state as my face starts to feel hot. He let's go of my hand, then nods.

I allow S.K. into my house. He looks around slowly taking in the atmosphere, while I shut the door behind him.

"Make yourself at home, while I go and change into something else." He nods, then heads to my kitchen.


I come downstairs after hearing a knock, to see that it S.K. is sitting at my kitchen island eating cereal with his Hoody off. He looks gorgeous. He has longish brown hair, with a red eye and one blind eye. I stare at him for a sec, when I start to hear loud banging on my door. I head to the doorway and open the door. There I see Kacy standing kind of antsy like she's worried about something.

"Liam! Did he hurt you?!" Kacy yells, pulling me closer to her inspecting me.

"What- who?" I asked confused and still half asleep.

"Him!!" She points to S.K who is now standing up putting his dish anyway.



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Sorry for not posting for a while, but I'm kind of back not really now.
Hope your staying safe through quarantine. 😁👋

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