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There's only seven days left from today. Earlier we just stayed at home and cuddled while watching kdramas. 

We just stayed in couch while talking about random things. I made sure not to mention something about Kai. I'm just not yet ready.

Now, we're going to Seoul. We're going to my parents house first then we'll visit the Namsan tower. I wanna go there with her and put padlocks together just like what other couples do.

"So we're gonna stay at your parents house tonight?" she asked.

"Yes baby, because I want us to spend time with them later and you know me. I don't like driving at late nights," I replied.

In order to lessen boredom while driving I turned on the stereo and All I want played.

I know this song. It's a sad song but I like it.

All I want is nothing more
To hear you knocking at my door
'Cause if I could see your face once more
I'd die as a happy man, I'm sure

Fvck! Is the lyrics trying to hurt me intentionally?

When you said your last goodbye
I died a little bit inside
I lay in bed in tears all night
Alone without you by my side

I know whether I like it or not, it's either it's her who'll say goodbye or it's me. 

It hurts to think that after a few days I won't sleep and wake up beside her anymore. By then, all I could do is just to cry all day and all night until the pain goes away.

But if you love me
Why'd you leave me?
Take my body, take my body
All I want is 
All I need is 
To find somebody 
To find somebody
Like youu ohh ohh

I know she loves me and I love her too but we have no choice. There's just two possibilities, it's either me who'll leave or she'll leave me.

I don't want to find somebody like her because there's no one like her in this world. She's all I ever wanted.

"Lili, Lili are you listening?"

It brought me back to reality. I almost cried.

"Ah-yeah yes."

I said even though I didn't know what she said.

After a few hours of driving we finally arrived at my parents house. I already called them that we'll visit today earlier.

"Hi Mom, hi Daddy," I greeted and hugged them both.

"Hello my girls," dad said.

Nini also hugged my mom. They really treated like their own child too. Maybe if I'd say I wanna marry Jennie, they'll surely give their blessings.

"Have you eaten for dinner?" my mom asked as we all went inside the house.

"Not yet. I just thought that it will be good if we'll all eat together," I said.

I just wanted to experience this, her and me with my parents like we're a family.

"That's a good idea. You both just arrived in time," dad said.

We went to the kitchen and all the foods were already served. That's a lot. Is there a feast? Haha

Actually I really miss my dad's home cooked foods but not so much because Nini learned cooking what he usually cooked for me while I was still staying here.

We all settled and started eating. 

"Why did you suddenly decided to visit?" my mom asked.

"Uhm, we just want to spend time with you guys and we'll also go to Namsan tower later," I said.

"So you're going on a date? Aw that's so sweet. I wonder when you're dad is gonna take me on a date again."

She said and looked at dad meaningfully. I just laughed at their silliness.

"Hm, I'm working on it," my dad said and laughed slightly.

My mom hit him slightly on his arm.

"Dad, you should take mom into a classy restaurant sometimes," I said jokingly.

"But Dad doesn't have to do that because he can cook better foods than on restaurant," Jennie butted in.

Yep, she calls my parents mom and dad. They were actually the one who insisted. 

While eating, we just teased and made fun of each other. 

After the dinner we told my parents that we'll go ahead and first. We're on the way to Namsan tower. 

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