Chapter 1

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Caroline Billings sat quietly backstage waiting to go on stage. She couldn't believe she was about to do this. Just two weeks ago, she had showed up to Las Vegas with barely a dollar to her name. Now here she was ready to open for the Rat Pack. She took a deep breath as the stage manager glanced her direction and said, "Caroline, you're up."

She was wearing a gorgeous black and white polka dot dress with layers of crinoline underneath it making it extra fluffy. Her waist was cinched as tight as it could cinch with a hot pink belt and matching hot pink pumps on her feet. She closed her eyes and walked onto the stage and received thunderous applause. She had to win them over with her voice and charm now, but they seemed to be already charmed by her appearance. "Hello, out there! It was so nice of them to put on the applause track for me," the audience laughed heartily, "Oh, look at that, they even sprung for the laugh track," more thunderous laughter, "I kid! You'll have a great time tonight, oh in about thirty minutes when I get off the stage and the people you actually came to see come out here," the audience was howling at this point, "Alright, alright, enough messing around. Hit it."

Caroline belted out a number of songs showing off both the low and high range of her voice. Dean Martin stood backstage watching her, "Hey, Frankie, get a load of this kid. I can't even place what her voice is... she's sung everything under the sun."

"Let's listen to this next one."

As Caroline began to close her short opening act she said, "I just wanna thank you all for smiling and laughing. I promise I'll put in a good word with the boys for all of you," the audience laughed completely won over by her charm, "Just kidding, I actually don't know any of them! I was the substitute for the actual opening act. She's a waitress here at the Sands; I'm just a dishwasher." The audience was howling again.

"Helluva charmer out there," Dean said looking at Frank.

"Ah geez. Here we go..."

"Oh, shut it and listen to her closing."

"Thank you, ladies and gents. And now, "Who's Sorry Now". Here we go," the notes came from the band and Caroline began singing her heart out and unintentionally grabbing the heartstrings of one Dean Martin backstage. The end section where Caroline really let loose and belted out the lyrics sent chills up Dean's spine as he looked on at her. The music ended and the curtains began to close. The audience sprung to their feet much to Caroline's surprise. Happy and shocked tears streamed down her face as she blew kisses to them. The stage manager ran out and reopened the curtains so Caroline could take her bows to the thunderous applause. Time stood still for a few moments.

When the curtains finally closed for real, Caroline jumped up and down hugging her best friend Ethel, "My God, Ethel! That didn't just happen?!"

"I've never seen you like that before. You were so calm and cool. They loved you and Dean Martin couldn't stop staring at you."

"Oh shut up!" Caroline laughed, "Come on, let's get some dinner."

The boss, Jimmy, ran over to Caroline, "I'd like to sign you to perform here for the next... however long. Can we work out details over brunch tomorrow?"

"Sure!" Caroline replied, "I'll leave a message at your room with details."

"Cara-" Ethel said calling Caroline by her nickname.

"I just got an offer!"


"This is incredible! Come on! Let's go spend the night celebrating."


"What?" Caroline asked.

Ethel was speechless, but motioned for Caroline to turn around. When Caroline whirled around, she was met with the chocolate brown eyes of Dean Martin holding a bouquet of flowers, "Ms. Billings, just something to congratulate you on such a wonderful opening act. We were all impressed."

"Oh thank you!" she exclaimed graciously accepting the flowers.

"How long have you been performing and how haven't we scooped you up yet?"

"Actually, tonight was my first real performance outside of small things back home."

Dean's jaw dropped, "You're joking. Baby, you've gotta stay and talk to me and the boys. We'd love to bring you as our opening act and incorporate you into our act. If that's how your very first performance went... Damn, we really'd like to have you, Baby. Hey listen, I need to get ready, but please stay. We can grab drinks after or somethin'." Dean kissed her on the cheek, "I'll catch ya later, Baby."

Caroline nearly fainted into Ethel's arms, "I'm never washing my cheek again..."

Caroline and Ethel went and sat on the side of the stage and watched as Dean, Frank, and Sammy performed. Caroline had taken a new liking to Dean Martin though Frank Sinatra was once her favorite of the Rat Pack. There was something so rich and gorgeous about Dean's voice that she loved and suddenly made her melt inside.

After they performed, Dean came over to the side of the stage, "Hey, you stayed! Come on, let's go out with the boys on the town."

Caroline was nearly speechless still, "Um, this is my friend, Ethel-"

"Hello, Ethel, come on you two!"

"Christ, Dino! I wanna drink!" Frank called out to Dean from across the stage laughing.

The five of them went to a bar on the Las Vegas Strip and spent the night wandering around. Around two in the morning, Dean declared, "Well damn, I ain't going to be able to golf if I don't go to sleep soon."

Frank and Sammy were pretty cloudy from the alcohol, but Dean wasn't, "Hey, I thought you were the drunk of the group," Caroline joked while she wasn't drunk she could feel the warmth of her cheeks.

"I drink less than they spill," Dean grinned, "It's part of the act. The big dumb lookin' one has to be the drunk of the group."

"You're not dumb looking... you're actually quite handsome, Mr. Martin."

"Please call me Dean or Dino," he smiled.

"Cara, please. It's what all my friends call me."

"Well, Cara, what do ya say to brunch to talk about traveling with the Rat Pack?"

"Oh no, I told Jimmy..."

"Jimmy's a thieving son of a bitch. Did ya sign anything?"


"Then screw Jimmy. You're with us now. May I walk you to your room?"

Caroline nodded smiling though she was exhausted. Dean dropped Frank and Sammy off at their rooms in the Sands and walked Ethel and Caroline to their room. Ethel went in the room to get ready for bed while Caroline talked to Dean outside.

"You were incredibly tonight."

Caroline profusely blushed.

"Thank you, Cara. I'll see you tomorrow, Baby." He kissed her on the cheek sending chills down her spine.

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