Chapter 17

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The next morning, around 10:00am, Dino and Cara woke up. "How the hell did we sleep that long?" Cara said rolling over and looking at the clock. 

"We haven't slept that long in forever," Dino yawned, "Come on. Let's get up and go find brunch down on the boardwalk. Or we can search for lunch... whatever you want, Baby."

Caroline took the curlers out of her hair and threw on a minimal amount of makeup with a button up white blouse and a pair of high waisted blue shorts. Dino threw on a pair of tan shorts and white polo. Dino grabbed her hand and they walked hand-in-hand down the board walk. They made a handsome couple. Dino wore a pair of RayBans and Caroline wore big round sunglasses. 

"Ooh, this looks cute," Cara said smiling and pointing to a little Irish Pub, "Shall we?"

"We shall," they went inside and were seated immediately. 

Dino ordered a Jameson Whiskey and Caroline ordered lemon water, "You know, it sucks to not be able to drink," she muttered. 

"I'm sorry, Baby, but you make such a good Mamma."

"You make a wonderful Daddy to our beautiful little girl."

"What names are we thinking for this baby?"

Dino fixed his hair with a sweep of his hand and said, "I don't really know. I've always liked Adrianna for a girl."

"That's pretty. I think we should name a boy after you."

"Really?" Dino questioned.

"Yes, you're a wonderful man. You deserve to have a son named after you."

The waitress then came over to take their food orders and her jaw dropped, "Hi...How...How...How can I help you?" she stuttered.

Caroline had gotten used to the aspects of fame in the four years that her name had become a household name along with Dino. In her always classy nature, she extended her hand to shake the waitress' hand, "Hi, I'm Cara. What's your name?"

"I'm Jan." Her eyes were the size of golf balls.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Jan. This is my husband, Dean."

Dean smiled, "Lovely to meet you." He loved when Caroline did this whole routine to make people more comfortable. Dino and Cara were a power couple and people were intimidated by them. He hated small talk and the woman he married was so good at it. Before the couple ordered, they knew that Jan was local and studying to become a nurse. Finally, after chatting for a few minutes and growing more at ease, they ordered. 

"You're incredible," Dino shook his head. 

"You are too. I was so starstruck when I first met you and you made me feel so at ease."

"Eh, it's because I liked you and thought you were cute."

They enjoyed their meals and then went walking down the boardwalk after saying goodbye to and tipping Jan generously. The couple chatted and then headed back to the their room so Cara could call and check in on Sofia. After she talked to Frank for a few minutes, she got off the phone smiling, "It sounds like they're doing beautifully."

"Oh wonderful," Dino smiled at her from behind his newspaper, "Shall we go relax on the beach?"

"Sure, Honey." They went to put their swimsuits on and enjoyed some sun and sand on the beach. Dino set up an umbrella and beach blanket for Caroline and he went into the waves for a few minutes to cool off while she read a book on the beach. After he cooled off, he came back to the beach blanket and laid next to his wife with a newspaper. A while later, the couple decided to go rest in their room before grabbing a fancy anniversary dinner on the boardwalk. 

Caroline laid on the couch and fell asleep while watching television. Dino walked into the living area of their suite and covered his sleeping wife with a blanket. At five, he gently woke her, "Hey, Baby, you might want to wake up and get ready. We have reservations at 6:30." 

She glanced up at Dino sleepily and said, "I love you," she sat up and kissed him. 

Dino kissed her back, "I love you too."

After blinking away the sleepiness, she got off the couch and went to get ready. They were going to a very nice restaurant and so Caroline put her hair into classic curled updo and slid glittering clips into it. Then she slid into a figure hugging pink dress that came just past her knees and sparkled in the light and of course, she wore a pair of silver stilettos to match. When she came out of the bathroom, Dino greeted her clad in a tuxedo with his usual red pocket square. Caroline handed him a small box with a red bow on it, "Here, you can open this now. I think you'll like it."

Dino opened the box to find a watch and engraved on the back was a quote from "Ain't that a Kick in the Head" modified just a little bit saying, "This is just the beginning, our life is going to be beautiful."

"Oh Cara, I love it. Here's yours," he smiled handing her a ring box. She opened it and found an infinity ring inside. 

"Dino! It's beautiful!" she slid it on top of her wedding ring and engagement ring and it fit perfectly in the set. A few minutes later they left the suite and went out onto the boardwalk. There was a photographer taking photos for tourists and Caroline begged Dino to stop and take a photo with her. 

He agreed quickly because he strived to make Caroline happy. They snapped the picture and were told to return in a few hours to pay for it and pick it up. When they finally made it to the restaurant, they enjoyed one of the best nights of their lives together. They laughed and reminisced about the first time they met. 

On their way back to the suite, they picked up their photo and it instantly became one of Caroline's favorites. She decided exactly where she wanted to put it on the mantle at that moment. 

Time seemed to stand still for just a few moments during their weekend at the beach and they fell even more madly in love with one another. 

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