Chapter 12

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"I now pronounce you, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Martin! You may kiss your bride," the priest said and Dino kissed his beautiful bride. After a little bit of celebrating, the couple along with their wedding party, Frank and Sammy, headed to perform at Radio City Music Hall. 

Dino went on first so he could rest between the numbers he did with Caroline and the boys. Dino opened with, "Little Ole Wine Drinker, Me" and then sat down on a stool on the stage sipping on his "whiskey" which always only apple juice when he was performing, "Well, as most of you probably heard, I had a heart attack and I'll tell it's nice to have such a great caregiver. Oh and Caroline is great too," he laughed, "Oh, yeah Frank makes one helluva nurse. He bitches at me all day to do what I'm supposed to and the lovely Caroline has been letting me drink wine every night," he laughed sipping his "whiskey", "Yeah, supposedly it's good for your heart. Oh, I gotta tell you... You know what else has been good for my heart... Well, come on out here, Mrs. Martin!" 

The audience went wild as Caroline walked out onto the stage in her sky high bright purple stilettos and matching purple belt. She wore her standard black and white dress and this one had a flower pattern on it. Her beautiful chestnut curls were curled perfectly. The audience sprung to their feet and cheered, "Mrs. Martin," Dino said kissing her hand. The band began playing "The Birds and the Bees" and the new couple started singing. 

Dino sang: When I look into your big brown eyes

Caroline interrupted, "They're green, Dino," to which the audience exploded into laughter. 

They finished the tune and kissed Dino. The two held hands and took a bow together, "Bye, Mr. Martin, behave yourself," she blew him a kiss as she exited the stage. 

The rest of the show went on without a hitch and at the end the four of them bowed together. Luckily, Dino's parents had caught the show before they had to catch their flight. Dino and Cara caught them just as they were catching their taxi to the airport giving them hugs and kissed, "Please be safe," Caroline said hugging Mamma, "Ti amo, Mamma. Thank you for coming!"

Dino then hugged his mother, "Ti amo, Mamma."

Caroline proceeded to hug Papa and wish them well in their travels home. Dino and Caroline then headed back to their hotel suite. 

They snuggled into their bed and Dino began to kiss her neck, "Well, Mrs. Martin, what do you say?"

She nuzzled her face into his neck showing her affection. Dino continued kissing her and slowly and tenderly, the couple consummated their marriage

The next morning, for the first time, Caroline and Dean woke up in one another's arms, "Good morning, Mr. Martin," Caroline whispered resting her hand on his muscular chest. 

"Hey, Baby. How are you?"

"I'm wonderful," she sighed happily, "How are you?"

"Thrilled to call you my wife," he smiled and kissed the top of her head. They laid in bed together for a few more minutes before Dino said, "Are you hungry, Baby?"

"A little bit."

"Do you wanna order room service?"

"Sure, just a few more minutes," she held him closer, "I love you, Dino."

He held her tight, "I love you, Cara."

After they ordered room service and enjoyed their breakfast, they got dressed and ready for the day which was going to be a long one. Their show was at seven and then they were to be on the Johnny Carson show which would be Caroline's first television experience. 

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