chapter 11: Closer

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I got a text from Rick with a picture of Emma. I couldn’t see who it was from. Other than Rick, she had bruises all over her face, neck, and arms. Her clothes were torn. I started remembering little things about her, the way she smiled, the way she walked, the way she always tried to hide her emotions, as if she would be killed for having feelings, anything. The more I thought about her, the more depressed I got. Whoever had Emma was hurting her, I could feel it. I couldn’t bear to think about what she was going through.
I regret breaking up with her. This is all my fault . The more I talked to Rick about everything, the more defensive he got. Which made me more convinced that he took her. Why would he lie? Why would he do this? Was it just to hurt me? I knew something about Emma probably no one else did. Not even Abby, She never really cared much about Emma, Abby only cared if Emma got an attitude with her, or didn’t do something Abby wanted, or even acted out. The main thing I knew about Emma was that she has been sexualized in every way. She was beautiful, yet didn’t believe it.
If Emma was quiet, Abby would pester her about what’s wrong and pressure her into telling her. Abby never truly earned her trust. No one could earn Emma’s trust. It was impossible. She hardly ever smiled, but when she did, it was the best thing in the world. What I would give to see that smile again. She was often good at hiding her emotions, and shutting people out. She hasn’t shut me out completely, she tries to but I won’t let her.
I know how Emma thinks, she knows what she thinks is right, but she’s been told so many things that are against what she knows, it messes up her logic. So if Rick did have her, her logic will be extremely messed up, and for her it can be impossible to fix. I hate seeing her confused. Only God knows what Rick has told her.

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