chapter 14: saving grace

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After a few minutes of a long mental breakdown. I was shaking, I realized I wanted to hide. I looked around the house, I hid in the closet in the room I was originally in.  A few minutes later he came back into the house and slammed the door shut. “Come out, come out, wherever you are,” he said. I felt myself tense up as he opened the closet door. “You really think you can hide from me.” he said as he dragged me out by my hair, and threw me on the floor.

He started hitting and kicking me. “Your boyfriend is on his way, and I’m going to show him who you really are.” he said, grabbing my wrist, placing my arms close to my body. I tried to get out of his grip, I almost did and he knocked me out.

I didn’t have the chance to say anything. Yet again he threw me on the bed. And started hitting me, saying everything is my fault. I believed it was. I didn’t know how long I was unconscious for, but when I came to, he noticed. He started doing whatever he wanted to me just because I was awake, and could see him do everything.
I was pretty weak due to the beating I just encountered. I’m pretty sure I have a few broken bones. So I couldn’t fight back, no matter how much I wanted to or tried to.
All I can do is wait. I had some peace of  mind when I remembered that someone was coming for me. Someone never stopped looking for me. He still cared.
When he finally stopped, he went back to hitting me. He grabbed my left arm, that I thought for sure was broken, and threw me against the wall.
If this kept happening, I’d be dead by the time Jack got here. I heard the door open, and he pulled a gun on me. What happened next would scare anyone, who had a soul. It was a horrible situation.

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