chapter 22: working the case

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We headed back to the precinct after getting Emma and Jack’s statement. We had the flash-drive so we were about to see what was on it, even though the detective porter and I already knew what was on it. But still it was protocol. The flash drive had more than enough evidence that we could go ahead and charge him, but first we had to interview him before interrogating him.

The flash drive included video and audio of what happened while Emma was there, basically it was just proof of everything. After we watched the flash drive, we all got to work on the case. We had to find Rick, since he was shot he should be at a hospital. Although he most likely wouldn’t go, in fear he would be arrested. We needed to find out  more about Emma’s past, something about the way she described things and acted, we could tell she was traumatized but she acted like it wasn’t the first time something like this has happened. She didn’t look familiar, and she wasn’t in any old cases.

We also talked to the nurse, she said that Emma nearly panicked when she brought up calling her parents, Maybe Emma was being Abused in more ways than one. If she was, she wouldn’t tell us, we need to earn her trust. Porter came up to me with the results of the tests they did.

“What do you have?” I asked. “The test results, you may want to see this.” Those words worried me even more. “How bad is it?”
“It depends, I mean with the video, the results, everything, she went through hell; although her actions insinuated this isn’t the first time she went through something like this. What if this has been going on for years, with someone she knows. And there is no way the defence will win this case when it goes to trial.” Porter said, “Look it’s protocol that we inform her parents, bring Jack in, see if there is anything else he knows.” I finished and sat at my desk. I started thinking of different possibilities of why she was so traumatized. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe this is the first time she went through something like this. I got a gut feeling I'm right though. I just need proof. The real question was, How am I going to get her to trust me?

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