Chapter 23

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The gates opened. Me and Elizabeth walked in proudly. The guards brought us to Queen Matilda's room. "Hello! You may introduce yourself!" Queen Matilda said. "I'm Elizabeth Goldenheart. Its an honor to meet you!" Elizabeth said ,curtseying.

"And. I'm -" I said. Queen Matilda cut me off and said,"Your Shizuku Kakita." She said. "Y-yes ,your majesty!" I said ,curtseying. "You know her?" Elizabeth asked ,speechless. "Not really. There was problem in my old school so I asked her for help!" I said.

"Ah! I see!" Elizabeth replied. "May the tests begin!" Queen Matilda said. Manners were first. "May the best Angel win!" I shook Elizabeth's hand. The examiner would ask us like in this situation what would you do?

One question was if someone made a horrible fake rumor about you what would you do? Hit them, ignore them or inform teachers. I picked Inform Teachers. That's the right thing to do ,right? To be honest, I really don't know if I'd pass..

A few minutes later.. (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))

"And... Your test results are... Elizabeth scored 7/10 and Shizuku scored 8/10!" Queen Matilda said. We both nodded, we were next tested on combat skills.

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