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The NNF (new Night Fury, Nightfury, Night Fury) by Fengmei Qin123

Feel free to skip this part if you like- this is not a chapter. But I do recommend you at least skim the abilities, strengths, and weaknesses so that future uses of them may make sense.

 The written below is an explanation of Esteria's species, the new Night Fury. It is a concept species designed by me, with an adaption theory mainly written by the HTTYD Fandom User DopScratch.

Adaption Theory

Toothless was the last existing night fury, and long after he passed, night fury genes were completely bred out of existence.

In a modern day, Light Furies would have had ages to reproduce and adapt.

Light furies are a white color, though in the hidden world this trait would not protect them from potential predators (Other dragons), as it may cause them to stand out, especially in darker areas.

So as light furies reproduce, light furies with extra melanin (darker coloring) might become favored as they disguise themselves more easily, effortlessly, even. So in the mating process, their offspring are also darker.

So as these darker Light Furies are breeding with each other, more and more are created. They separate themselves as a subspecies, different from normal Light Furies, and relocate themselves to live in another area within the Hidden World that better fits their presence.

As the new subspecies continues to adapt, the 'sail' on their backs would harden into fused spines and gain more Night Fury like features as requirements of the new habitat, to help protect themselves from predators. Their four sets of wings become more 'pointy,' and they gain more 'nubs' on their head.

This new subspecies now looks very similar to original Night Furies, though differences still are obvious. The spines are larger, they sill have a Light Fury's fin along their legs, and they can use a 'cloaking' ability via their Plasma Blasts.

This subspecies is still a member of the Strike Class, and their name becomes more appropriate, as they become known ass Night Furies or new Night Furies, though genetically the dragons are not really related to the original species. They are a smaller population, though there are quite a few that exist and they continue to reproduce.

Basic Strengths, Abilities, and Weaknesses

ABILITIES: The new Night Fury (Nightfury) has mostly the same abilities as the Light Furies, being derived from that species originally. They have plasma-like blasts (color varies) through which they can "cloak" (Meaning turn their scales reflective to become invisible). They are extremely agile and very speedy flyers. They can also see extremely well in the dark.

STRENGTHS: These dragons are very good in battle, but times they would be most favored would be in a lightning storm. This is because with the dark clouds they blend well into their surroundings, and the lightning gives them a surplus of energy- and a special ability. 

SPECIAL ABILITY: If a Night Fury (Nightfury) remains entirely still, they can summon the lightning from the storm to be attracted to their scales. Then, they can blast the lightning in a way similar to the Skrill's lightning blast, but strong enough sometimes to knock out opponents. (Note, this ability is extremely exhausting to the dragons, so if used it can only be used once without rest. Afterwards, they would need a full night's sleep in order to replenish their energy enough to use it again.)

WEAKNESSES: These dragons grow up mainly in the darkest caverns of the Hidden World, where it is a very cool temperature and very dark. Because of this, they are not adapted to high temperatures and direct bright light, bringing about their weaknesses. The Night Fury (Nightfury) can not fly for long periods of time in direct sunlight, as it drains their energy. This could also be fatal in battle, because it takes their shot-limit from 6 to 5, and they may be slower moving, and they stand out against brightness due to their dark colors. Another weakness is high temperature- though the Night Fury (nightfury) has fire-proof scales as most dragons do, if they are standing in an area of fire or if they hold in their own blasts for long enough, it drains their energy and without the cold- they may 'black out' involuntarily. 

Again, this is a concept species, nothing Canon, but I (with the help of others!) have worked hard to bring it to life. There is a page on it (linked below) with illustrations and details about them. 

This is also an open species, meaning anyone may create Night Fury (nightfury) OC if they like, though if used in a fan-fiction or anything of the sort, please credit the page linked below and/or me! 

Wiki Page: httydfanon.fandom.com/wiki/The_%27New%27_Night_Fury 

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