Chapter 1

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"Dawn! What are you doing!"

I look over my shoulder, "What does it look like, dumbass," I sneer at Cloud.

She growls, "We're patrolling, Dawn. Don't you dare try to make me look bad, especially in front of Robin!"

I scramble up the trunk, and stand on a low branch, "Trust me, Cloud, it can't get any worse."

She takes a moment to register my answer, and glares at me, eyes turning gold.

I leap down again, "Chill, Cloudy."

Robin's in wolf form, sniffing along the border, and rubbing her scent along the trees. I sniff the air, and gag at the sharp scent of Foxborn, the stench drifting across the border.

"Is it me or is it worse than usual."

"It's the moon," Bramble says, shifting to human form and walking over to me, "Makes the scent stronger."

"Either that, or there are some Foxys right there," Cloud growls.

We turn. There are four of them, two Gammas and two Epsilons, all with their lips pulled back in snarls. Bramble growls softly.

"Well, well, well. Look what the dogs dragged in," sneers the woman at the front.

"Oh she did not," Cloud hisses.

Robin glares at her, "Not helping, Cloud."

The Epsilon closest to me, a stout, muscular, teenage boy, growls at me. I stick my tongue out at him.

"If you wouldn't mind, we're just patrolling the border," Robin says evenly, and starts to walk away, along the border. Bramble follows her.

"Clearly, they're not mature enough to hold their tongues," Cloud growls, before following.

I wink at the Foxborns and climb up the nearest tree.

"Are they all just stood there in shock! I swear the Epsilon girl's mouth was just hanging open."

Willow laughs, "Is there anything you can't make into a joke?"

I smile, "Someone's gotta spice things up around here with a little humor!"

"What about Robin. Wasn't she there?" Willow rolls on the ground and faces me.

"I don't think she noticed. And if she did, she probably just thought they were dazzled by my good looks."

Willow rolls her eyes, "And you say you don't like Tempest."

"I don't. But I do like making fun of him. It's not my fault he thinks I'm beautiful," I laugh.

"And here I was, thinking you didn't have an ounce of vanity. You've been holding out on me, girl!"

I look over at her, "Dream on."

Hazel bustles into the den, and glares at us, "What's this I see? Two Epsilons not work? Get up, you lazy pups."

He swats us with the pine branch that he carries, and we stand.

"We were just chatting," Willow says, "Waiting for the echinacea tincture to be done."

Hazel looks over at the large pot bubbling on the fire, and sniffs, "Don't overcook it. And Dawn, help me with this pine, you clearly need something to do."

He turns his back and I make a face. Willow stifles a giggle.

Hazel turns, "Now, Dawn."

I roll my eyes and follow him, waving sadly to Willow.

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