Chapter 4

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I hate waking up slowly. Usually I'm vaulted back into awareness, and already up within seconds.

But after taking the herbs to keep away the pain, and I slowly wake. It's like swimming through mud, and I slowly drift up towards the light.

I squint against the morning light and make out the hazy shape of a brown-haired woman sitting on the cot next to mine.

"How are you feeling, Dawn?" Maple asks.

I open my eyes more as they adjust. There's barely any pain in my head, but I can feel a bruise forming on my arm where I hit it.

"I think I broke Hazel's bottle," I say.

"I know," Hazel grumbles from behind. I turn over slowly, and he's standing a few tail-lengths away, hands on hips.

"Sorry about that," I grin sheepishly, and turn back to Maple.

She hands me a water skin and I drink eagerly.

"So how was it last night?" I ask, handing the empty skin back to Maple.

"The usual," she says, "Wish you could have been there."

I laugh sarcastically, "You say that every time."

"You'll run with the moon much sooner than you think."

I stop, and look over at her, "What?"

Maple licks her lips, a nervous gesture, "I shouldn't have said that."

I stare at her, "What do you mean?"

She closes her eyes and sighs, "Hazel, leave us."

Hazel grumbles, but leaves.

"I should have told you years ago. But it wasn't important before now."


"You've heard the rumors. About you being named my heir."

Of course I have, "Yes."

"And there are some big problems with that. You can't be the next Alpha unless you're really a Wolfborn."

My heart sinks.

"But there's a way to fix that," Maple sighs.

Immediately, anger sparks inside of me, "You could have told me years ago. Why now?"

"Because, you... you couldn't leave before now."

"Leave..." my head is spinning with questions.

Maple closes her eyes for a moment, and continues, "Your parents are alive."

I growl in anger and shock, and stand, too quickly. A wave of dizziness comes over me, and I sit back on the bed.

"Why wouldn't you tell me," I gasp.

Maple looks tortured, "It was for you own good. Because the story of you birth isn't a happy one."

"You let me spend sixteen years, think that my parents were dead, when they were out there?"

"I didn't want to, Dawn, but I had to. Please just hear me out."

I sigh, "Fine."

"Your father was... is my brother, Copper. He was supposed to be the Alpha, not me. He was going to be mated to Marin-"

"Cloud's mother? That would have been awful." Everyone in the pack knows she is the snobbiest bitch of the Betas.

"But he fell in love with someone else. A... Foxborn, named Sequoia."

Oh, hell.

"And Sequoia became pregnant. With you. And when Copper and her came to the pack with you, my father cast them out. And kept you. He died soon after, and I became Alpha."

"Hold up. So my mother is a Foxborn, and you didn't TELL ME?" I growl.

"If I had told you, you would have run off to find them. They live in the human world. You know what it's like there. I had to wait until you were ready. I thought I could just... just let you live like this. But I didn't realize that you wouldn't be able to turn. And then Shale died, and you were the only one left. The only one who could be the Alpha after me," all of the words tumble out of her mouth, jumbled and fast, and she sits back on the bed, looking tortured, breathing heavily.

"How dare you," I shout.

Maple's eyes flash gold, and she stands, "It was for your own good, Dawn. Don't question my judgement."

I sink back away from her, "So, you're saying there's a way to get my wolf?"

Maple nods.

"Then let's do it. Right now!" I stand, and this time, I keep my balance.

"It's not that easy. Only," she grimaces, "Only Sequoia and Copper can help you. The I believe their human names are Elizabeth and Daniel Rain."

"Oh fuck."

Maple glares at me.

"What, so just found out that my parents are alive, and I have to go on some freaking quest to the humans to find them and get my wolf, and I'm still not allowed to curse?" I roll my eyes.

Maple walks towards the door, "I'll have to make some arrangements. But you'll leave tomorrow, at dawn."

I nod and watch her retreating figure.



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