Roger Wade

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After we stay and talk to the kids for a little while the bell rings and the children flood out into the hallway. I take a deep breath as I shake my head, Ford walks over to me, "hey, you did great."

"Did I? Cause I'm not the best around kids."

"You were a natural," Ford smiles.

Principal Wade comes up behind me and smiles to Ford and I, "it means so much to these students that someone like you two would take an interest."

"Sure," Ford nods, "that was great."

I smile, "they're very smart."

"Top standardized test scores in the district," Wade states proudly.

Ford takes a deep breath, "well, if you want to do anymore outreach, just let me know."

"Don't say that, I'll hold you to it. Thank you again."

"Thank you."

I wave to a few of the students as they wave to Ford and I as they walk by. Before we get too far into the hallway, a teacher stops us, "excuse me, Agent Ford and Freeman?"

"Holden and Nancy," Ford turns to the woman and smiles.

"I'm Janet Ebner. I teach fourth grade here. May I have a moment?"

"Of course," I nod.

"I know the two of you weren't here today to talk to us, but I've heard about some behavior that I'd classify as disturbing."


"Well, odd at the very least, but I believe my instincts are good."

"It all starts with instinct," Ford nods and crosses his arms as Janet glances down the hall. Curious Ford and I look as well. Seeing Wade talking to and then hug a young female student before we look back to Janet.

"And I'm not the only one. Some of the other teachers are concerned, several parents and certain members of the school board. We even took it to the local police."

"What is it?"

"Let's go to the staff room," Janet nods as she steps back. "This way," we head to the teacher's lounge, "coffee?"

"Sure," I nod, "thank you."

Janet gets the three of us coffee before continuing her story, "we are just a bit concerned about Wade. He has a thing for tickling."

"He does?" I almost tilt my head.

"Where?" Ford shakes his head.

"In his office."

"I mean, where on the body?"

"Their feet. Sometimes a child will go to his office for disciplinary reasons, that's when it happens."

I shake my head a bit, "is it punishment?"

"I think it's supposed to mitigate the punishment, but then he gives them money."

"For what?"

"Nickels. He gives them nickels if they can withstand the tickling."

"Well... that is odd," Ford nods.

We got to one of the tables in the room and sit, "it is completely inappropriate." Janet looks between Ford and I as we sit down.

"Has anybody talked with him?"

"The board questioned him, nothing happened."

"But somebody took it to the police?"

"I did, at the urging of some parents."

"Parents asked you to go to the police?"

"I talked to a Detective Barr. He said they'd look into it, write something up." Janet shakes her head, "that was five months ago.

I take a deep breath, "have you seen the report?"

"No, it's like the whole thing went away. Maybe you could check in with him."

Ford shakes his head, "unfortunately, this isn't exactly our area."

The school bell rings, so the children know they need to hurry to class, "this is what you were talking about."

"At least by our definition at the Behavioral Science Unit, tickling is not considered deviant behavior."

"Deviant? You said 'disturbing'."

"Whatever's going on here is obviously nuanced. I'd have to witness it or at least get his version."

"Do either of you have children?"

Ford and I look to each other before shaking our heads, "no."

"Imagine one of those seven-year-olds is yours. Principal Wade has her take off her shoes and socks so that he can tickle her feet. Wouldn't you be worried one day he'd ask her to take something else off? Put in a call, please?" Ford and I pause for a moment before nodding.

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