𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓮𝓷

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Haechan and Heejin arrived separated, but both feeling exactly the same, extremely bad

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Haechan and Heejin arrived separated, but both feeling exactly the same, extremely bad. They both had a terrible cold.

Instead like other days, both Heejin and Haechan were sleeping in their tables. "Wow, you both look bad" said Areum entering the classroom, and both let a groan out at the same time.

"Oh, umm, Haechan, Heejin, go to the infirmary, you both look... well bad" said the teacher, looking at both teens who indeed, looked sick. They stood up and both went.

"Sit down both of you, lucky i have two thermometers right now, put bellow you arm" the nurse said giving them both the thermometers. Five minutes passed and they sounded. They took it out, and well... 38º Celsius both. "Do you have anyone to pick you up?" asked the nurse. Haechan was about to respond, but she gave him a slight elbowing. "Yes" they both said. "grate, call them and go for your things" she said.

"What the hell, no one can pick me up" said Haechan. "My dad will take you home" said Heejin. "But there's no one at home" he said. "Well, you come to my house then" she said.

Heejin never asked him about his family, and he never asked about hers. She knew his parents weren't always present, she didn't knew the reason, but she was conscious about it. And he knew her mother really wasn't in the scene now, since she only mentioned her dad and only mentioned her mom in passed tense.

Her father arrived shortly for both of them. "Oh Heejin, I told you you were going to get sick" said her dad. "Umm, hello, i'm Lee Haechan" he presented himself. "Haechan, nice to meet you, my daughter told me you would be coming home with us" he said, and Haechan nodded. "Grate, I'll prepare the pear arriving home" he said. Heejin gulped, she hated that pear, it was a home remedy his father often used when one of the family members had a cold, going with honey, ginger and jujube.

They arrived shortly, both plopping in the sofas in front of the TV. "Video games?" she asked. "Video games" he answered. She took the two controllers out and put on Overwatch for switch.

They played for a while, but eventually got tired. They fell asleep each with their own blanket, but somehow close to each other. They legas were tangled as both were curled into a ball facing each other, both breathing heavily since they had a cold, and couldn't breath properly through their nose.

Haechan woke up, looking at the girl alseep. He felt their legs tangled. She was trembling of what he knew it was cold. He sighted. "You'll owe me one sunshine" he said, as he put his arms around her carefully, he feeling how she snuggled towards his chest. He soon fell asleep again.

They woke up around 3:00 pm. Heejin opened her eyes first. She was close to Haechan, her hands resting on his chest and she could feel his armed resting around her torso. She blushed, not really expecting to end up cuddling.

"Oh sunshine, you're awake" said a sleepy Haechan. "Yeah, hello..." she said a bit owl ward because of their position They untangled themself, not really mentioning anything. "Your sister might be here soon" said Heejin.

Just like Heejin said, his sister arrived with his two sibling about twenty minutes later. "Bye sunshine" he said leaving the house.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2020 ⏰

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