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I woke up in strange man's arms. His mustache would put anyone's to shame, and he had a flow that Zayn would be jealous of. His wings were fiery red, juxtaposed with his cold demeanor.
"I am Josef." Said the man. "Angel of darkness, lust, chains, and things that should not be spoken."
"Let me guess," I added in. "Josef Stalin?"
"You recognize me in my young form. Your intelligence is boundless. I am unsurprised my foe has let you go back to mortality. Unfortunately, that will not come to pass. You will come with me back to Russia and be my princess as I establish Communism on a global scale. You will see, my love. You will have grain for the rest of your days."
Part of me was thinking this wouldn't be so bad. Maybe I have a thing for kidnappers. But my love for capitalism won out.
"Fuck you, commie pig! I may look Ukrainian, but I'm all American! Hamburgers, football!"
Like a bolt of lightning, another man swooped in. He socked the commie right in the face and brought me back to earth, a mischievous grin on his perfect face.
"Who are you?" I asked wearily. Following my return to earth, it was like my memories had all hit me at once.
Zayn killed me, and I had no idea why. He couldn't have been faking it. There was no point in proposing, in loving me, in smashing my box.
The man above me smiled down at me.
"Why, I'm Jackson, of course."

Sold into Heaven: A SequelWhere stories live. Discover now